I believe it. If it weren't for Trump pressuring them, Nike, Stormy, and the crippled guy he ripped off would never have come forward to point the finger!
Man, I think it would be terrible. You'd wind up with something like this:
With the population using the streets as toilets, needing to be cleaned daily!
Oh wait, that's California, the premier nanny state.
Preet still butthurt that his ass was fired?
Constitutionality, like being factually correct, is nothing compared with the power of The Force being morally correct!
You sure about that? Where are we going to get enough adults to drill holes through the water bottle caps?
China has a significant advantage in adults with drills! WE MUST CLOSE THE DRILL GAP!
That's only because the EPA was doing God's work with its policies until January 20, 2017 at noon. At 12:01 PM, their policies became corrupt and evil, run by actual literal super mecha Nazis.
This just in: A federal judge in San Francisco, appointed by President Obama, has just issued a nation-wide injunction requiring that Trump not only pardon Avanetti, but that everyone must stop calling him the "Creepy Porn Lawyer".
No one is expected to care.
Old enough? Yes. I never really got into EverQuest though. I played it once on a friend's account. Some jackwagons suckered me into following them into some high level area, where they got me killed and abandoned my corpse (and all my gear). No one would help me retrieve my stuff. I said '***** this' and never played again.
I got into WoW after a bunch of friends I met playing a MUD called Gemstone III (later IV) switched over.
It's going to be hilarious when the kids who never played vanilla realize how ***** hard the game was compared to the easy-mode mechanics introduced in later expansions.
I give it 3-4 months before Classic is down to just a few thousand people playing.
In the second edition of her book, the story will be expanded with new information to explain how the judge in that case was wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat, and screamed "THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY!", as he pronounced the "death recorded" sentence for raping that 6 year old child. ~200 years ago.
I think you'd have an interesting (and expedited) court fight if a candidate from the winning party (according to that state's ballot) won the state, but the state directed the electors to vote for the other candidate.