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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Only crackbacks are illegal. Crack is cool. Apparently.
  2. Rob, while I appreciate you batting that little dipschiff around like a cat toying with an extremely re.tarded mouse, would you please do me (and the rest of us, I suspect) a favor and stop quoting him when you do it?
  3. Here he is getting his ass kicked on his own twitter feed about deleting the tweet:
  4. Duh, that it's better to be morally correct than factually correct!
  5. According to Obama, machine gins guns are easily available on the internet.
  6. Huh, apparently McDouche changed his name. Quick, everyone look at him! He wants attention!
  7. I like the part where he demands that the IC tell him what the AG is going to declassify, after noting that Barr does not have to consult with them. Sounds like his interest is more in wanting to know when to pack his bags than in oversight.
  8. I would go with 'goad', as there is very little good that will come for the Democrats if they impeach Trump (which is why Nasty Nancy is adamant in refusing to allow impeachment.) I doubt it's really a secret on the Hill that the Senate Trial will very publicly expose a lot of bad acts by the left. There aren't a lot of ways that impeachment won't blow up badly in the Democrats' faces, and their leadership knows it.
  9. I don't think he's a 'white hat', but I can't help but thinking his press conference was designed to goad the Democrats into impeaching Trump. His rambling makes little sense otherwise. No self-respecting career prosecutor would phrase things so stupidly (Trump wasn't exonerated, etc.) by accident.
  10. Interesting. My response would be they can have my breaking news story 90 days after payment. This new policy is to align with my corporate responsibilities. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  11. He should be available. I think they've finished filming the latest Star Wars movie, where he stars as 'The Force'.
  12. Well, that goes without saying.
  13. Don't forget a red MAGA hat!
  14. Because they're going to make a ***** comeback, man! The Red Box kiosks and streaming services like Netflix are gimmicks that will fail! You're going to feel mighty stupid when I'm getting deals at Blockbuster that you can't, because I kept my card!
  15. Screw the Coyotes, pay your $10,000 smuggling fee directly to ICE at the border?
  16. Huh, how about that.
  17. What the ***** did I just try to read?
  18. That was one mean looking assault mud puddle he heroically jumped into. The scream was intimidating. I won't even get into their amazing ability to swim through a slightly larger mud puddle. I suggest President Trump surrenders all of our military forces to the PLA immediately. We cannot hope to defeat such training, dedication, and morale.
  19. Eh, just stick to the midget porn sites, and you'll your friend will be fine.
  20. Eh, Northern Ireland is a country/province/region within the UK, not a state. Therefore, anti-abortion legislation does not affect her ability to make money to ply her craft. Now, if they started calling themselves a state, she'd have to redefine evolve her position on where she chooses not to work for political reasons.
  21. Eh, I wouldn't say it was *that* much 'stupider than usual'. His reply was like a 9.7/10 on the stupid scale, instead of his usual 9.5/10.
  22. Nice car.
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