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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. "We" as in those who are seeking to restore Tom's wrongfully missing $10,000,000. It would be completely irresponsible to deposit that much money into a bank account without first verifying that it is, in fact, a valid bank account. We need to make Tom whole, it's the right thing to do.
  2. Hard to be oppressed when you're dodging wrenches during training.
  3. There must be at least $10,000 in the account when we verify it, so that we know that it's real.
  4. Does that make him a proper idiot?
  5. Well, she's not wrong. Kids will stop dying in federal custody, when President Gillibrand ends enforcement of federal law. Oh sure, illegal migrant kids will still die here, but who gives a crap if no one knows about it because they're not receiving treatment at a federal detention facility? We'll just consider them late-late-late term abortions.
  6. Maybe the feds should take a long, hard look at Cy Vance's connections to Weinstein, including the bribes "campaign contributions" he took from Harvey years ago, around the same time he decided not to prosecute a rape allegation. You know, since 'no one is above the law', and all...
  7. Well, considering that, according to this thread, pot is apparently a cure-all, the answer is clearly: more pot!
  8. You know what cures that physical addiction?
  9. It was nice knowing you, Rob. Just remember, committing suicide by shooting yourself repeatedly in the back of the head during a botched robbery is mostly painless.
  10. The East German Olympic team shall rise again!
  11. Well, they have to do something to further their latest idiotic narrative of "COVERUP!", after "COLLUSION!" fell flat on its face, and "OBSTRUCTION!" is going nowhere. Eh, she's not wrong.
  12. Well, clearly, we don't know when the footage was taken, and besides, Trump just disrespected the Queen of England by demanding TWO scoops of ice cream for dessert at the state dinner, and shutupyoupoopyhead!
  13. Nadler trying to muddy the waters and play defense against the FTC?
  14. Oh please, continue to boo the only guy running with an IQ over 68. That's going to work well in November, 2020!
  15. I love how Beta v. Cruz is supposed to mean something.
  16. Give it a couple years, it will graduate from "propaganda" to "treason". The left is, if nothing else, unimaginative and predictable. How much can May realistically agree to, considering she's going to be unemployed in a few days?
  17. Funny how the left suddenly has no concept of how the English language works whenever Trump says something they can pull out of context.
  18. It's not a waste, considering where the match is taking place. Undertaker/Goldberg isn't for regular WWE fans; it's for the Saudi prince who is paying Vince millions to see the show.
  19. Either Guaido has been rendered irrelevant, or Maduro did something to piss Putin off...
  20. Technically it's getting VinceFostered with a SethRich kicker.
  21. Sure! They voted for Neil Gorsuch. That was both unconstitutional (as Hillary won the popular vote and should be president), and treason because she wasn't supposed to lose. McConnell should feel badly about himself and consider suicide by double-tap during a failed mugging where nothing was taken.
  22. My hard drive and firmware are quite adequate, thank you very much. No floppies for me.
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