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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Hard to say. He's in an increasingly liberal district - thus the sudden embrace of liberal bullschiff like impeachment. You would think, but the TDS crowd doesn't actually care about the children. They don't care about anything other than #resist and #OrangeManBad. The NPC meme is entirely correct.
  2. Well, to be fair, no final/exit poll (not to mention the results) of the Texas Senate race said Beta won either.
  3. So... Romney didn't really give that broad cancer?
  4. Good God, you've got the idiot knob turned up to 12 today.
  5. Look at the DACA fix they walked away from with Trump. They could have easily fixed the problem, but that would deprive them of a future talking point about how 'cruel' and 'inhumane' Trump is, not to mention give Trump a 'win'. It's hilarious how these 'minority' groups refuse to understand that they're nothing more than props to the Democrats. At least the black community is starting to figure it out with the #blaxit thing. In fairness, the bloodthirsty and corrupt narco-regimes in Central America would suddenly stop being corrupt and stealing all the aid money if it was given to them by President Beta. Schitt just magically happens like that.
  6. Ah, yes. Here we go again with the “hate speech” and the liberal love of thought crimes. As Josh points out, in the vast majority of cases, the term “hate speech” in this context actually just means any speech that liberals don’t care for or find offensive. The problem with that is that unpopular speech has always been recognized as the most important speech to protect from government oppression or suppression. The First Amendment protects your right to speak your mind, including if you hold some seriously offensive ideas, like claiming that one race is inherently inferior to another. The flawed arguments that such speech isn’t protected are generally based on a single Supreme Court ruling dealing with “fighting words,” but that doesn’t apply here. More at the link: https://hotair.com/archives/2019/06/09/awesome-california-democrats-redefine-first-amendment/ So, they want white SJW's to look at a particular statement through the lens of a group that they clearly believe is too weak, incompetent, and stupid to be able to defend themselves?
  7. What does her number of twitter followers have to do with anything?
  8. The religion of peace, indeed.
  9. God bless President Tangerine! As a side note, when did liking lattes become a requirement to be head of the EPA?
  10. A great comment to a comment of a comment to Trump's tweet:
  11. Wait, were we supposed to believe him?
  12. Trump is so evil, he killed every man, woman, and child on Earth about 58 times. That's how awful he is!
  13. 437.2 billion. Trump is the worst mass murder and person ever.
  14. This is why you're not being paid to write the narrative for them... "investigating the government for potential abuse of their massive powers of surveillance" is nowhere near as catchy or misleading as "investigating the investigators".
  15. How long until they start calling AMLO weak because he "caved" to Trump's "extortion"?
  16. I love how Trump brings out the functional illiteracy in the left.
  17. Google?!? Real men get their bad investment advice from YouTube.
  18. We haven't had a good amphibious landing to seize Veracruz in just over a century. We're due for another one. This cooperation for the benefit of both countries crap is annoying.
  19. They've already started their new narrative. Look at the twitter comments under Trump's announcement, it's full of liberals suddenly being on the same page claiming that Trump "created" a crisis, so that he could "solve" the crisis. If this holds up, it will be even funnier than the "coverup by releasing information" nonsense they tried last week.
  20. Sounds like the match was ok until Goldberg hit his head on the ringpost (trying to go shoulder-first). Apparently went to crap after that. Probably didn't help that 'Taker dropped Goldberg on his head during a botched Tombstone either. These two should probably stop wrestling now.
  21. Wow, that Dean is an entitled, arrogant piece of schiff.
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