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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. What kind of crazy talk is this? You mean that some of these asylum seekers aren't going to claim asylum if they're not allowed to disappear into the US forever before having to prove that they're actually seeking asylum?!?
  2. The problem with that is we can only attempt a solar landing during the day.
  3. If she were only a tad smarter, she could have done far better in that exchange, by asking him if he is equating parents seeking safety and a better life with committing acts of domestic violence.
  4. Different coaching... ha. The only coaching that idiot needs is to be coached up to the unemployment line.
  5. I will. If you vote for me, I promise a chicken in every pot, a car in every back yard, and I will reach across the aisle to work with the House leadership to land AOC and the Jihad Caucus on the moon... without space suits (or a functioning return vehicle)!
  6. You've got to be a special kind of arrogantly stupid to use a government-owned device to commit a crime as a government employee.
  7. I liked the mass hospital closing histrionics.
  8. How far have you gotten? I've only got 15 more babies to eat before I hit level 6.
  9. Trump: Making Liberal heads explode since 2016.
  10. Shouldn't this be in the 'We're all gonna die' thread?
  11. I reject their premise. There is no such thing as an "overly air-conditioned" anything.
  12. The bench is really thin for them, but they could have at least tried not to put every crazy ####### they have on stage. Warren and Bernie are trying to out communist each other. Spartacus is still a dumbass. Beta is a furry. Kamala is a pandering who're who may actually be less likeable than Hillary. Buttguy is a buffoon. The rest are irrelevant. Biden could have been that guy, with someone like Gabbard as a running mate, but became the target of the rest of the clowns. Well, that and he keeps opening his mouth.
  13. Which makes it all the more baffling that the Democrats are running the clown car posse as their candidates, rather than someone who is both reasonable and more likeable than Trump. If they ran a reasonable candidate who could beat Trump in 2020, they can make all the prosecutions quietly go away. Instead, we have pandering morons who are competing to out-crazy each other.
  14. Blacks don't have equal access to Purell, therefore germs are racist!
  15. Didn't we all die in December of 2012, and this is just like a bad episode of Lost?
  16. 5-star accommodations in those concentration camp cells, with 6-star toilet drinking water! Trump is a master hotelier!
  17. So the 2018 tax reform screwed a project that was supposed to be completed by 2017? Yeah, more like the $150,000,000 wasn't enough to grease all the required corrupt palms in Niagara Falls.
  18. Identity is not a protected privacy interest.
  19. Yes. The Giants scored more points by the end of regulation than the Bills did.
  20. Wait, are we back to misogyny on the wheel of 2016 excuses? What happened to Comey, women's husbands and sons forcing them not to vote for Hillary, and Russia as the reason she lost?
  21. So under the SWJ code, using the term "Indians" in the text of the 14th Amendment invalidates the entire provision, because the language is not inclusive and is hateful. Am I doing this right?
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