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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. What changed? That's easy: money and organizers mysteriously flowed in to organize and coordinate these 'caravans'.
  2. Just switch it off, and let the left tell you what to think... Then release the Fiend. Edit: Mostly just release the Fiend.
  3. Yes, your Nazi tendencies... as seen and interpreted through the lens of an idiot:
  4. It is an inartfully worded tweet. Here's the relevant section: Nothing like trying to boil convoluted statutory/regulatory/international agreement schemes to 140 characters or less.
  5. If you go to the donation site, it has a minimum of $3.00, but there is a box to fill in a number. I didn't look closely enough to see if there was an actual minimum to the name-your-price selection.
  6. The part that says "Donald J. Trump" with a racist blue check. #OrangeManBad In reality, this isn't any different than where the GOP was in 2009ish. The Democrats will eventually bounce back. The pendulum of American politics will swing.
  7. Clearly real war is just like Call of Duty, where you can just throw your controller and rage quit if you get your ass kicked!
  8. I think most of us are doing it wrong...
  9. So... their position is: Give us everything we want, then we'll talk about modifying the deal that we have no interest in modifying? Yeah, pass.
  10. At that debate, I'd wager Strom Thurmond's rotted corpse makes more intelligent points than Biden does.
  11. It's a losing argument, and their internal polls probably reflect that.
  12. Read the whole thing.. Wow. Absolutely amazing thing to do for that family.
  13. The Red Coats conspired with the Red Army to get that guy a job. Still not my bartender.
  14. The Russians got him that job, see the red coat!!! #NotMyBartender!
  15. ***** them cheese-eating surrender monkeys.
  16. At least you didn't say DoD. We all know he can't read defenses.
  17. The best part of the actual video is after Gorka walks away, someone tells Karem, "for the record, he'd kick your ass!"
  18. 'ICE agents coldly pounce on man trying to clear dried brush in order to allow new growth near detention center!'
  19. Alf's talking point is about as intelligent as saying, "I only saved 12.5% on my car insurance by switching to GEICO, therefore Trump sucks!"
  20. Thank God for that. Who the ***** wants to speak ancient French?
  21. In light of all the attacks on Joe from the Obama administration policies, how is she going to differentiate herself from the pack, and distance herself from the policies of her husband that the idiots are now attacking? Would be interesting to see how she would navigate the tightrope of the insane loonies and trying to keep the Obama 'hope' message alive as it's being systematically torn down to oust Biden.
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