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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Easy there, before she declares jihad on you.
  2. It is a shame that NYC and the state of Florida are all underwater due to rising ocean levels from melting ice caps. https://nsidc.org/news/inthenews/antarctic-sea-ice-growing-record-rate https://earthdata.nasa.gov/learn/sensing-our-planet/unexpected-ice https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/02/ross-ice-shelf-bore-antarctica-freezing/ Oh, oops.
  3. I really liked how they whined about the money judgment hurting future students, because they would have to raise tuition to cover the costs.
  4. That or people getting fired for failing a drug test, getting arrested for driving under the influence of drugs (juries really love seeing positive tests as exhibits), being forced by a court to go to treatment as a condition of seeing your kids. You know, minor crap.
  5. Not surprising. They've continued to engage in victim blaming and other stupidity since the verdict was announced (not to mention a trial strategy of calling the victims 'worthless').
  6. Be careful with CBD oil/products. You can still test positive for THC if the quality is low (and let's face it, a lot of it is made by stoners), which can cause you unintended problems.
  7. Went to Genesee Community College. I turned out ok, just ask my parole officer!
  8. Yes, but I self-identify as a non-binary, multi-denominational, transitional, intersectional, vegetarian meat popsicle, so therefore I claim the superior victim status. As such, you cannot tell me to go back to where I come from.
  9. So the left didn't run with "George Bush doesn’t care about black people"? Don't be a schmuck.
  10. How dare you make that truthful claim about POCs, you evil racist Canadian mecha-Nazi!
  11. Wow, Trump is such a vile racist that he's offering to personally guarantee bail for a black man, just so he can oppress him properly!
  12. It's almost like there was some sort of 'great compromise' when the founding fathers discussed how the legislature should be designed.
  13. How long until they institute a non-use fee because people won't be buying enough energy from PG&E?
  14. Wow, I did not know that 90% of taxpayers are now considered "rich".
  15. Saying 'God is Great' isn't exactly the worst thing that's come out of or into her mouth.
  16. What about ghost riding the whip?
  17. Did that pilot use a plastic straw?!?
  18. To paraphrase DC Tom: We're not anti-lefty, we're anti-schmuck.
  19. Brought to you by the same dumb*****s that claimed Romney gave a woman cancer.
  20. Yeah, and those historical records indicate that it was warmer 1,000 years ago than it is now. There was no mass extinction of humanity. Yes, actually. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/israel-proves-the-desalination-era-is-here/
  21. Who cares that Trump banned him for life from Mar-a-Lago for trying to assault a 14 year old, and that Trump was the only one who tried to help Epstein's victims?!? There's a freakin' video of them partying 15 years earlier with cheerleaders! Cheerleaders who are consenting adults! That's immoral and clearly links Trump to being involved in pedophilia!
  22. Interesting they kept Biden, Spartacus and Harris together to snipe at each other. Random selection, my ass.
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