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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yeah, I was impressed with the episode. They actually advanced stories and still found time to bring some much-needed 'heat' to both Andrade and Rick O'Shay (both performed amazingly in the gauntlet match), and the Rollins/Lesnar fight. Now if they can just find something for Sami to do, other than get pinned in 12 seconds... Though I'm not happy they brought back mid-match commercial breaks. Was nice while it lasted, though. Going to be interesting how they get the 48/7-11 European Television Championship off Maria. Can't imagine it going over well having a legitimately pregnant woman take a bump.
  2. I hope Johnson tells the EU to stuff the billions in "divorce fees" that they want to impose on the UK.
  3. How, exactly, did this "stupid kid" act like a "dickehad"?
  4. I would have respected Franken if he had told Schumer to shove it at that point. What were they going to do, ruin his already dead political career?
  5. Look at the author's credentials. She's "Woman's Studies/Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies". Not even a PhD (at least at the time of writing in 2014/2015.)
  6. What. The. *****? Trans-able and Anti-able are things? I can't wait for a giant trans-meteor (who self-identifies as a large comet) to wipe out the planet.
  7. Happy birthday @B-Man!
  8. Word has it that the streets of San Francisco are unisex...
  9. Of course, then it makes you a bigoted racist xenophobe actual literal super mecha-Nazi if you refuse to continue to donate, and their mismanaged funds dry up.
  10. Eh, some people did some things, so what? They prefer to talk about real problems, like how Jews are termites/vermin in need of extermination.
  11. Praise be Obama!
  12. You assume that these other countries are interested in negotiating...
  13. That guy is an idiot. Though I do like how he plugged his book in the middle of the article.
  14. Because museum curators make terrible immigration inspectors.
  15. Yeah, but she's old and drunk.
  16. So high that he cured all of his medical problems in the process.
  17. @DC Tom, is there something we really don't want to know about your morning commute?
  18. She is technically correct (the best kind of correct). Before 9/11, they were called INS. This is what INS did:
  19. Calling her a 'soldier'? Yikes.
  20. Personally, my preference is: "Your Highness", "Your Perfection", or (in a pinch) "My Lord".
  21. On top of the obvious insinuations (and the fact that she and the child did cross the border only to be immediately picked up by CBP), this was very clearly a staged photo.
  22. Cheap gas too, was just there Sunday through Tuesday.
  23. Decently-paying contracts for Mariska Hargitay?
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