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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Reading comprehension, dipschiff, get some.
  2. A traumatic brain injury?
  3. So you're now upset that people are paying their "fair share"?
  4. Absolutely amazing, if it happens. Of course, we're all supposed to still be pretending to be outraged about some Saudi "columnist" (that no one ever heard of) being murdered by other Saudis in a Saudi consulate in Turkey or something...
  5. That's not true, at all. The GOP did not have a filibuster-proof majority. The fix was in the first week of her campaign, when they started smearing her about her father's LGBTQRSTLNMVX positions.
  6. If they try to preach bipartisanship, they'll be quickly labeled traitors. The 'toxic' political environment is real, and it's all coming from the loony left.
  7. Because he's a gay military veteran. He checks several boxes for identity politics.
  8. They're not. They want to be about the feelz, not the facts. To paraphrase DC Tom: 'biology doesn't care about your preferred gender pronoun'.
  9. Yeah, that forehead cut was not a good look for her.
  10. Tell me about it: When your argument is based on "adjusting" the numbers, you ain't got schiff.
  11. What happened? Clearly the Barr tab came due.
  12. You have some proof to back that up? Oh nevermind, I do have proof that your talking point is a load: https://www.statista.com/statistics/200405/receipts-of-the-us-government-since-fiscal-year-2000/ https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/trump-tax-cuts-federal-revenues-deficits/ https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/feds-collect-record-individual-income-taxes-fy-2018 Whoops. Someone got caught lying.
  13. Could be any number of reasons why Maryse disappeared after the announcement. She may not have been under contract (and if she was, she certainly was not full-time like Maria), and the Miz certainly didn't need her to advance his then-storylines. That's not counting that it could have been Maryse's choice not to go on the road while preggo. On top of that, how much extra work was she doing with the Miz & Mrs. filming? It's not like she was a fixture before getting pregnant. It's not exactly much of a risk for Maria to do some backstage segments and berate her husband on a weekly basis at 13 weeks. She's pregnant, not an invalid.
  14. All reports are that she actually is. https://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2019/7/26/8931859/why-maria-kanellis-missed-smackdown-205-live-pregnancy-sick Of course, there's no reason to put her on the shelf just yet. She's not an active in-ring performer. She will be shelved before long, but she can still do her evil B word thing.
  15. How can you be so ableist?
  16. . This is getting overturned on appeal. The jury even found the woman who wrote the lyrics (NOT the music) liable.
  17. Hickenlooper likes beer? That means he's a gang rapist who takes part in gang rapes of poor innocent women who don't bother to report it until a politically-convenient time 35 years later!
  18. Isn't the kid co-champion already?
  19. On a side note, I'm thrilled that they're going back to actual stables. They just need to move Balor over to the "OC" (I hate that name BTW).
  20. Proof that Trump was colluding with the Germans!!!!
  21. What the *****? You mean I can only engage in nude skydiving 2 months out of the year?!?
  22. Though it sounds like there won't be time, Letchworth State Park is a beautiful place to visit. 3 spectacular waterfalls and a beautiful gorge. It's like a cross between the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls.
  23. They have everything scheduled down to the minute, they can figure out how to time matches and interview/promo segments around commercial breaks. I agree that they were getting a bit silly with the 2-out-of-3 falls matches to break things up. I don't disagree that putting it on Maria is a good choice. It gives her character more reasons to be detested (she is a great heel, especially with the emasculation of her husband), and it allows for some creative way to get it off her - without her actually having to take any bumps. The 24/7 championship has been so great as a comedy belt, because McMahon is letting the performers show their creativity.
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