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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. So it's now the Labatt Blue Tre White Goalie Academy of Louisiana at Buffalo?
  2. I second the nomination of Bern... er this post.
  3. Nonsense, it's clearly McConnell and Trump's fault for not compromising with Pelosi by giving her everything she wanted, without question. In fact, they had a golden opportunity to even add more non-Flu-Manchu-related liberal agenda items to the relief bill, but they didn't because Republicans want to kill Grandma and little Jimmy. She had no choice but to require that the House cease conducting the People's business during an emergency to exercise its summer recess. Orange. Man. Bad.
  4. ...says the guy at the bottom of the list.
  5. But that's unpossible! We've been told repeatedly that voter fraud doesn't exist.
  6. Absolutely amazing how these Twitter suspension "accidents" only go one way.
  7. He'll let up on the reigns on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November, after a brutal lockdown in October, for our protection. Because Il Douche cares.
  8. Biden's tax plan: Eyes on the 1% and corporations like Amazon Eternal shutdowns and business-killing taxes. What could go wrong?
  9. Oh, don't worry. He'll lie about what he said every chance he gets.
  10. Woohoo, back in the top 10, baby!
  11. Yeah, but it will run out of juice pretty soon. Those Tesla batteries don't last forever.
  12. I'm glad they took the time to thoroughly debunk the narrative, only a year or so after it was already thoroughly debunked by a hyper-partisan group of 'special prosecutors'.
  13. Oh, I meant the really crappy production value and weird choreography. The BLM ***** doesn't help either.
  14. What the *****? Someone actually thought that was a good idea?
  15. Trump is such a misogynist that he waits until well after she was dead to pardon her. Biden would have done so while she was still alive!
  16. Just don't ***** around in Knoxville. This is the mayor:
  17. Damn, I guess their support for Hillary came a little too late to not be terminated.
  18. Maxwell hasn't killed herself in a highly improbable manner... yet.
  19. Maybe Creepy Joe sent Cornpop - a noted bad dude - to take care of COVID down there.
  20. Biden has better teeth?
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