The comments are hilarious. Yeah, he was suspended for "asking hard questions", not because he acted like an unprofessional buffoon and tried to provoke a physical confrontation with a guest.
Secondary LOL to the idiots who demand that the White House Press Corps stop covering the White House for a month in "protest".
Or, you know, you could just not buy Chinese goods, thus not paying the "tax".
It's amazing how liberals somehow magically forget what tariffs actually are...
Well, I admit that the CIA is doing a hell of a job getting merchandise to me quickly, with no shipping costs, as part of my CIA Prime membership.
Though I wish my Echo Dot would answer to 'Wiretap', instead of 'Alexa' or 'Computer'...
This just in: Indicted Illinois State Senator now retroactively declared a member of the GOP. The so-called Senator was secretly a Trump supporter all along, and this crime lays at the feet of the actual literal super mecha-Nazi Republicans.