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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. The unfortunate reality is that Twitter, Facebook, etc. have made their bed by engaging in political discriminatory practices. Now they're going to get regulated. They'll be damned lucky if they don't eventually lose some (if not all) of their legal protections under the DMCA.
  2. Exactly. People are mistaking these civil suits as something that the McCabe and Strzok are actually expecting to win, rather than, in my opinion, a strategic choice to prepare for the real battle in criminal court.
  3. What the actual *****? Anyhow, Cuomo's dipshittery aside, that was a cleverly-worded question by the lady.
  4. Trump's about as good at being Hitler as he is at being a racist.
  5. Guess they'll just have to lump all of the other social media platforms in... Can't have one company singled out.
  6. Well, the biggest thing I learned from that tweet (and it's replies), other than she's a ***** quarterwit, is that apparently pasty-white Jews aren't white.
  7. Strip these ***** of their legal protections and tax breaks.
  8. Who decides which hands are the "wrong hands", or who is "intended" to get a firearm? The same people who think that everyone who disagrees with them is a white supremacist, racist, actual literal super mecha-Nazi ? What trigger?
  9. It's hilarious that the left's best comeback (in the comments) is a weak semantic argument about the term 'doxxing'. They really are morons...
  10. I picked out that .gif just because I know you're a The Rock fan.
  11. There are ways around that. As a last resort, he can get always seek a court order to disclose the information. There are time frames that will be imposed for discovery. Eh, if you can buy a B word for half a pack of cigarettes, I'm sure he can come up with some arrangement for his legal team. (Or, more likely, a nervous someone else is footing the bill.)
  12. To be more accurate, give the sibling (who didn't work) 3 dollars, and pocket the remaining $4. He was found dead in his cell a few days after this.
  13. That office needs to get their ***** together. A significant number of their major felony cases get tossed on appeal due to prosecutorial misconduct, which is a shame. I know one of top ADA's in that office, and I don't for a second believe that is how he trains the newbies.
  14. Well, that's one way to violate four different Amendments at the same time!
  15. What if it just hits Lake Mead?
  16. Yes. However, what is the government going to get from him that they don't already have? Discovery isn't unlimited. It has to be relevant to the proceeding.
  17. Not irony, good legal strategy. They're going to get a preview of the evidence regarding the case for any potential criminal charges through the civil discovery process.
  18. I love these countries like Russia and China. First thing they do in a tiff is stop importing food to feed their people.
  19. They want to use ~130 years worth of data (of varying degrees of accuracy) to make predictions about an incredibly complex series of interconnected systems that have cycles in the thousands of years. But hey, they have consensus. That makes global warming global cooling climate change a scientifically-proven fact!
  20. There would have been no 'rape lists' in 2013ish by this nutjob, if Trump hadn't something something OrangeManBad.
  21. Just remember, we've only got just under 11.5 years left on this Earth until the climate crybabies reset their doomsday clock!
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