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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. That's not unusual. Cameras in correctional facilities do not generally face into the individual cells. Inmates are still entitled to some minimal privacy, especially if he was taken off suicide watch so he can get suicided.
  2. Illusion, or just someone standing back from the ledge of the roof overlooking this "intersection" thing?
  3. I believe it's called an 'intersection'.
  4. Eh, she's on Fox News now, therefore she is now identified as a straight, white, old, Republican male. Therefore, she is not to be listened to, believed, or allowed to order food at restaurants.
  5. The comments are interesting. Nothing but fake SJW rage and outright lies. It's actually rather sad.
  6. He's the only one I've ever put on ignore. Makes Tibs look like a cultured Rhodes Scholar by comparison.
  7. Will you please stop quoting that jackass? Most of us have him on ignore for a reason.
  8. The real problem is that they have not posted enough "gun free zone" signs around the city. That will end the violence!
  9. It is true that we've never seen Tom and Putin in the same place at the same time...
  10. Not hard to deduce what happened. He was a jackass who acted like a jackass, then took his ball and went home when he was treated like a jackass.
  11. Amateurs. They shouldn't be signing anyone under the rank of Rear Admiral. Captain? Please.
  12. When you're desperate to get suicided, nothing can get in the way of shooting yourself in the back of the head twice.
  13. Not surprising. Too many powerful people were going to go down with the ship to allow him to live.
  14. Thanks. I just read up on it. Interesting idea. Batshit crazy (and fraught will all kinds of potential World War III-starting problems), but interesting.
  15. I read about that. Interesting speculation that it was a nuclear-powered missile that blew up on them. I had no idea such a thing existed.
  16. 'Party Hard' guy gives sage advice.
  17. Yes, I realize that I just used this meme yesterday. Get over it.
  18. You laugh, but there are some really stupid gator-level lawyers out there...
  19. Is it a really nice Barcalounger?
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