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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Would it have been better if I had used scare quotes around "asleep" and "lapse"?
  2. Pretty well. Have you ever been to an Indian Casino?
  3. Actually, the reports today are that the two guards were asleep for portions of the 3 hour lapse in monitoring Epstein, and they falsified records pertaining to making their rounds (which is apparently confirmed by the camera footage.) https://www.yahoo.com/news/jeffrey-epstein-death-two-guards-075925337.html
  4. Depends on what 950 documents were turned over. More importantly, however, is what's on the laptop.
  5. Well, here's the justification for the forthcoming massacre: https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-says-hong-kong-protests-show-first-signs-of-terrorism-11565604635
  6. Eh, the design is quickly-thrown together and rather tacky. However, props for Trump's team for getting the mocking merch out so fast.
  7. Iran wanted to play games after getting caught by the Brits smuggling oil... Now the Iranians are down to what, France, Germany and Russia, to prop up their collapsed economy and failing regime? Good luck with that. None of them are going to choose trading with Iran over trading with us (or in Russia's case, using our banking system.)
  8. Welcome to PPP. Here's a few things you need to understand: 1.) You're deemed an idiot until and unless proven otherwise, which is not unique to you. Unfortunately, most everyone here is eternally deemed an idiot, because @DC Tom, the arbiter of idiocy, doesn't remove the tag often. 2.) If you want to cite to statistics, back your schiff up or prepared to be mocked, dismissed, drawn, quartered, laughed at, mocked, then disregarded. 3.) Schmucks, morons, and the uninformed don't do well in the 'dungeon'. 4.) If you understand 1-3, you'll be fine down here.
  9. This is turning into Exhibit A as to why citizens should not relinquish their right to possess firearms.
  10. Must be based on Trump's hateful rhetoric against ICE facilities.
  11. Here are the sentencing ranges for Criminal Possession of a Weapon 2nd, as a first felony offender: He got the minimum, which isn't bad considering that he apparently had a prior weapon conviction. https://sports.yahoo.com/former-nba-player-sebastian-telfair-sentenced-to-35-years-in-prison-on-gun-conviction-213926987.html
  12. If I'm corrupt, where the ***** is my corruption check? I feel like I'm getting screwed by the corruption fairy. Point me at a gate that needs stormin'!
  13. Yeah, that is the standard procedure for a 1-on-1 suicide watch, as far as I am aware of. The only worse job that I can imagine is "special watch", where the COs have to watch the inmate constantly to make sure they crap in a bed pan, so that the CO can search the inmate's poo for contraband. Easy work, but incredibly boring.
  14. One would presume. I have no idea if MCC has a full camera system or not, I do not have anything to do with federal inmates. By way of comparison, the NYS Dept. of Corrections did not have working camera systems in all of their facilities until about 3 years ago.
  15. Yes, but minus 50 DKP for using the term "l3wtz". Also, more DOTs.
  16. I think that's rather the point of the media/political circus.
  17. Eh, if the best they got against Clooney is a BJ in a bathroom from an adult woman, I'm not terribly worried for him.
  18. I am not saying that at all. After they are out of office, the former president can be prosecuted for whatever crimes they may have committed within the statute of limitations (though an argument could probably be made that the statute of limitations should be tolled while the president is in office.) As sitting president, they must be impeached and removed from office first - that is the sole Constitutional remedy for a sitting president's wrongdoing while in office. It makes zero practical or logical sense to have DOJ officials who serve at the pleasure of the sitting president to prosecute the sitting president - thus the impeachment remedy.
  19. During? Yes. After? No. Impeachment by the House and removal after conviction by the Senate is the sole remedy for a sitting President who is engaging in wrongdoing. Once they're out of office, then they can be prosecuted. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed65.asp
  20. What's next? Unfettered illegal Naga immigration? #BuildThatSeaWall
  21. Holy hell... WWE better not ***** this character up.
  22. Take your welfare epics/legendaries and stuff them, you commie! RNG for life!
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