So CPL and his attorneys think that admitting they actually had dirt on Nike to blackmail the company with is a good thing?
Nonsense, he should send in the Army, so that they can complain about how he's an evil actual literal super mecha-Hitler dictator and that he should be impeached for violating the Posse Comitatus Act.
I'm still waiting to find out all about these "false arrests" that the dumbass proclaimed.
It's funny that he ran away like a scared little B word when pushed, by multiple people, on his dumbassery.
Eh, @ShadyBillsFan is a dishonest piece of crap, who apparently comes here so he can "rile" up PPP. You'll notice he ran away from backing up his "false arrest" stupidity...
I'm all for the Democrats' position. Let's start with disarming the Capitol Police and any other public or private security in place for those members.
Or what? You'll delete it? Shun us with another poor display of the English language?
Would you please show us where in the United States Code (or even the Code of Federal Regulations) that poem is codified as our national immigration policy?
11 per week? Just over 2 per day (assuming a 5 day work week)?
Are they sure that's enough time to go over the documents? When the hell are these people supposed to fit in breaks and lunch reviewing so many documents at once?!? Are we sure they won't need 20 weeks?
Beta is going to deliver the most important speech of his career. The tens in attendance will be enthralled, enraptured, emboldened... and then go back to their day jobs of working the phones for his campaign.