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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. You ain't wrong: 2016-2018: OMG RUSSIA used the interwebs to manipulate people to vote for Trump!!!!1111 IMPEACH ORANGE MAN! 2019: Eh, so what if Google used the interwebs to manipulate people into voting for Hillary?
  2. Biden was always good for saying stupid things, but now he's just lost his damned mind.
  3. This comment seems relevant to this board:
  4. Hopefully they don't start treating the 'tumor' with radiation...
  5. Nothing wrong with him wanting to avoid spending the rest of his life in federal pound-him-in-the-ass prison, by wanting someone to win in 2020 who will bury his 2016 crimes.
  6. Man, if they only had gun control laws in France...
  7. Looks like some scientist is upset they're losing a free ride...
  8. It was pretty clear from the Democrats that it's not a serious matter when they turned their backs on the victims and ignored the alleged rapes by the black Lt. Governor in VA.
  9. Keep praying for that economic collapse!
  10. Or, you know, that she actually wanted to see her Grandmother without having to meet with groups who are trying to destroy Israel, or have her trip funded by the Muslim Brotherhood. She even managed to piss off some CNN liberals (Dan Abrams, specifically) by being disingenuous about wanting to see Granny Belichick.
  11. Yeah, I know that when I was representing parents in Family Court regularly, that whole one half of one percent that were Child Welfare cases really kept my paychecks rolling in.
  12. Wait, we now have a Federal Court who respects it's jurisdictional boundries?!?
  13. That could be fun, just to watch CNN or MSNPC proclaim that Trump is discriminating against Somali pirates because he's a racist who hates black people.
  14. Interesting. Bait Iran into committing an overt act of aggression, so that they can't play the victim when the US annihilates their navy.
  15. Snopes: After thoroughly fact-checking this article, the information contained within is patently false. Amazon does not sell a lawn mower/weed whacker combination for $399.99.
  16. In other breaking news, the body of Jeffrey Epstein was cremated, according to his wishes, and all of the Medical Examiner's data was burned with it.
  17. He pretty well proved yesterday that he's a dishonest douchebag who runs from anyone who questions his patently-false assertions. He has yet to back up his claim of illegal immigrants being 'falsely arrested', simply because they were released on their own recognizance with a date to return to immigration court.
  18. Hold on there. Lieawatha self-identifies as a POC, therefore we must respect her decision to be a trans-racial Indian.
  19. I may have to watch these idiots next November.
  20. I've had one for about 4.5 years. I can't sleep without it anymore. I think my sleep study had me stopping breathing at about 42 times per hour. Was on a business trip last year, and the place we were staying at lost power (along with the rest of that county) due to a storm. Roughest night's sleep I've had in years. I had a sore throat all next day due to the irritation from my throat not being used to closing up anymore.
  21. PREA discourages opposite-sex staff from viewing naked inmates. I suspect it's more to protect female inmates than anything else, but it is there. https://www.prearesourcecenter.org/training-technical-assistance/prea-101/prisons-and-jail-standards Check out 115.15(d).
  22. You dare question the great Agent Applebutt?!?
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