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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. We're just completing our long-term goal of surrounding Canada to contain the Red Maple Leaf Menace within their own borders. It also helps to be able to flank them from both sides, should they try to invade the US. It's not a coincidence that 90% of Canadians live within a few hundred miles of the US border.
  2. Man, he's tweeting up a storm 5 years after he wrote the story of his death...
  3. Well, she's about as honest about her financing as she is about her Indian heritage. She famously denounced "big money" and refused to accept it at the start of her campaign (even going so far as to encourage her fellow clowns to refuse to accept "big money")... right after her campaign accepted a crapton of money from "big money" donations.
  4. Interesting. I wonder what grounds they used to remove the case to Federal Court.
  5. I've run into this at times. We've have people testing positive for THC while on probation, even though they've only vaped CBD oil. Many of the manufacturers are shady *****wads who are just looking to push as much product as possible, so quality isn't their interest.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/study-on-cannabis-chemical-as-a-treatment-for-pancreatic-cancer-may-have-major-impact-harvard-researcher-says-165116708.html
  7. I'm sorry, but the correct input code is:
  8. Because his father hired him 40 years ago for a teaching position... Yeah, you go with that. Remember what I said about dying on a less re.tarded hill? You might want to consider it.
  9. I wonder what the probability is that Iraq signed off on the Israeli airstrike...
  10. Eh, I suppose not. Though I like Gator enough to want him to die on a less re.tarded hill.
  11. Isn't that how Kamala Harris got her start in politics?
  12. Interesting. As of September 18th, NXT now be two hours, live, and directly competing with AEW on Wednesdays come October.
  13. That's kind of a rough neighborhood for a Trump Tower, full of jackwagon Mooninites:
  14. You know, I was just going to comment about how amazed I was that Newt is now a 3-star Air Force General, as well as a publicist.
  15. *gasp* A picture from the 90's! COLLUSION!
  16. When did Acosta work for Florida again? I can't seem to remember when he was a prosecutor for the State of Florida. Surely you can give me the dates he worked for the State of Florida at the time that the State of Florida gave Epstein that plea offer. Again, this is seriously the hill you want to die on?
  17. Do you have anything actually serious, or you still just going to die on that hill? (Yes, it's a rhetorical question, of course the dumbass is going to die on that hill.)
  18. I'm sure he finds that child sex-trafficking is almost - but not quite - as hilarious as Americans being murdered in Libya.
  19. Do you really think that this nonsensical attempt to link Epstein's ring to Trump is a winning strategy? You know, considering that the actual victims all state that Trump wasn't involved... That's the hill you dipschiffs want to die on this month?
  20. Yeah, imagine that... ?
  21. In other news, water is still wet. Hell, even the US forces on the Korean Peninsula has referred to as a '15 minute speed bump' for decades. Of course, the real question is whether or not their military will survive the reprisals.
  22. Then the answer for the contractor becomes 'money up front or call someone else'.
  23. This is so upsetting that the Italian guy is crying!
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