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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Don't make me force majeure you right up the res ipsa loquitur, mother *****!
  2. Columbus Day. It honors a racist white guy whose racist actions led to the racist genocide of the Indigenous Peoples, as well as racist colonial slavery in 1619. Also, he was a racist white guy.
  3. Any judge (especially with a lifetime appointment) that gives a flying crap about being "popular" should not be on the bench.
  4. So... Mueller's team made a whopping $50,000 for the federal government?!?
  5. Wait... is that no longer acceptable?
  6. They don't want to give up the power and prestige of their position.
  7. With photoshop adds, it's still less people than are in line for the bathroom at a Trump rally.
  8. In fairness, the Democrats have been trying to torpedo her since she announced.
  9. Suicide is a hell of a problem lately.
  10. Well, I don't think Russia hacked my voting machine, but there was a nice Russian gentleman standing behind me with a machete to ensure I voted 'correctly', as he put it, thought his thick Russian accent. He was quite adamant that he did not want to hack off any of my limbs so long as I voted for the right candidate.
  11. Judging by the comments, the re.tards on the left will never get it.
  12. Speed limits and stop signs are tools of white oppression! We should #resist by ignoring them!
  13. I believe 'fecal-involved person' is the correct terminology, you unwoke mother *****.
  14. Trump, because ***** you, that's why.
  15. Yeah, well, Allen couldn't hit a paper plate from 1800 yards with a .22 caliber rifle and iron sights if he wanted to. Barkley should be the man going forward!
  16. How can Democrats change the rules based on their current feelings, if they do something drastic like pass laws that cannot be changed on a whim? Just look at how obstructionist the GOP was when the Democrats had a filibuster-proof supermajority in Congress?
  17. Eh, if we have to sacrifice a few hundred million people to ensure a .001 degree decrease in the Earth's temperature by 2150, it's worth it. I mean, not to them, but who cares what the sacrificial lambs think? I, for one, will sleep better at night knowing their noble sacrifice will mean something 6ish generations down the line.
  18. Outstanding, we're back to RUSSIA COLLUSION on the wheel-of-dipschiffery!
  19. I wonder who is actually paying for it...
  20. There are also reports that nothing would really be changing. I would give credence to HHH still running things. Not terribly likely that Vince is going to try to micromanage 7 hours of programming per week, on top of trying to run XFL. Of course, if the ratings aren't there, all bets are off.
  21. They only thing that *they* can do that would scare me is to cure stupidity. Seriously, I'd be out of a job.
  22. You know that's not going to dissuade the media from trying to manufacture one...
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