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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. They still use electro-shock therapy to good effect.
  2. No one on the left is actually going to look at the returns, if released. They're too stupid to understand it anyhow. They'll just wait for the schmucks at MSNPC and CNN to tell them what the DNC thinks they need to know (regardless of truth). It's like when Fredo Cuomo was lying about it being illegal to look at stuff on wikileaks, and that the people will just have to trust what CNN tells them is there. Of course, it will be right below the "Unconstitutional Emoluments" line and right above the "Illegal Bribes Received" disclosure.
  3. Oddly enough, not necessarily. The Supreme Court ruled back in 1985 that the pharmaceutical companies are responsible for warning patients of the potential risks. https://www.casebriefs.com/blog/law/torts/torts-keyed-to-epstein/products-liability/macdonald-v-ortho-pharmaceutical-corp/
  4. In this case, it's not unwarranted. They pushed the drugs and paid doctors to over-prescribe them, knowing full well that they were addictive. Don't get me wrong, those doctors still share the blame, but 'big pharma' definitely deserves to eat this particular pile of crow.
  5. You should be worried. Just think about how your life will change if the Bills lose week 1. You can kiss life as you know it goodbye if the Bills fail on the field.
  6. The key is to be in the club running the global world order.
  7. Who is "Danny Barefoot" that his endorsement is so important that it warrants a CNN segment?
  8. People I've talked to say the lag is horrendous (on top of the queue issues.)
  9. Wow, what a productive and energetic illegal we're missing out on. "This is bull####" because they won't feed him and give him everything he wants right now and for free!
  10. Sure, I'll believe this is genuine just as soon as he does something about the blatant gerrymandering in his home state of Illinois.
  11. If Denmark were smart, they'd set some astronomically high price for the island, like 5 trillion dollars. Either we pony up the cash (in which case they win), or we walk away from it (in which case they win.)
  12. Hell yeah, I would. She's only 19, so the drugs haven't destroyed her looks yet. On top of that, she's apparently an entrepreneur. Nothing wrong with a girl who has business sense!
  13. Ron Mexico and Carlos Danger.
  14. The funny thing about gun "buybacks" is that people tend to sell "back" broken weapons that are no more dangerous than scrap metal.
  15. I rather like this comment:
  16. So is the answer to give them more handouts, or give them opportunities to find a better-paying jobs?
  17. https://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-iran-says-not-negotiate-164700758.html So Iran is demanding that we all allow them to export 700,000-1.5 million barrels per day of oil, to be paid for in cash, and then maybe they'll talk to us about saving the nuclear deal, with no discussion to be had of their missile program... It's like they've gone full gator.
  18. I'd love to see that list of permitted opinions.
  19. Well, at least biology still yields to preferred gender pronouns.
  20. I used my White Privilege check to pay off the bar examiners...
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