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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Why do I have the feeling that Juan Hernandez isn't actually a customer? What manner of Hell is it that has other people in it? I know of a person who bought a house bordering a village park, then promptly began calling the police to complain about the noise associated with children using the park during park hours. People are asswholes.
  2. Well, it seems that we will know very soon whether or not we have an independent judiciary.
  3. Now if they'd just stop letting Pence play with the COBRA Weather Dominator...
  4. I'm going to try that argument in my next rape trial: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this was not rape. This was simply sex with an unwilling participant. That's not rape!
  5. If he were to actually do any of the lifting, how could he continue to play dumb in a laughable effort to try to force everyone to provide proof for him to ignore?
  6. Well, in fairness, Trump didn't actually have a path to 270... His path was to 304...
  7. How are you disingenuous? Let's see: 1.) You complain about it. 2.) You then do the same thing you just complained about. Gee, this was really tough to figure out.
  8. Oh, so you're just being disingenuous again.
  9. Didn't you just complain about accusations of TDS and #OrangeManBad being lazy and untrue?
  10. They removed Baldwin's tweet.
  11. It surely would have been different, shirley. They would have lost 200+ men and a few war planes, instead of just 200+ men.
  12. It was pretty astounding the lengths Parliament was going to in order to subvert the will of the UK people. May, I think, has earned a place near Chamberlain on the list of most useless PMs.
  13. Are you sure that wasn't Chicago?
  14. Not really. Because I'm told that Boardwalk Empire was apparently the schitt.
  15. Not even close. Lawyers can't do math (other than billing, oddly enough.)
  16. I've always found the argument of "he knows what he did" particularly compelling.
  17. Is that where Barr hid the evidence of Russian collusion?!?
  18. The comments defending him are interesting. Because he repeatedly said "if true", excuses broadcasting his made up bullschiff. Though I love the obvious double-standard in how they phrase things: 'If true, Trump is worse than actual literal super mecha-Hitler! When asked about being worse than actual literal super mecha-Hitler, Trump stated, without evidence, that he was not worse than actual literal super mecha-Hitler.' Pretty sure you still don't know what a leading question is. However, the loan in question was clearly to build this:
  19. You know which one!
  20. So we now know that 100% of all [alleged] crime committed in space, is committed by women.
  21. Interesting. If he sues NBC, Trump would have to come up with the loan document to prove the statement was false. Unlikely he could prove maliciousness, but it would be an interesting argument.
  22. That's an interesting Constitutional question.
  23. Well, on the bright side, she is showing her tolerance and multiculturalism by having an affair with, and destroying the marriage of, a white guy.
  24. Wait, so he's disregarding 'environmental rules' that the courts have declared don't apply to the wall?!?!?!?!?!?!?! IMPEACH THE MOTHER *****!
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