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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. ...and much like dark matter, the existence of liberal brain cells is mostly theoretical.
  2. Hey now, just because he didn't bother to read the playbook that one time...
  3. Nah, no price. Lieawatha runs with Hillary as her running mate. If they win, Warren will not be able to handle the stress of the job, and will quickly decide to kill herself in the Oval Office by double-tap suicide. It will all be very tragic, and Hillary will have to reluctantly assume the mantle of President, so that she can lead us through the trying times.
  4. . Give them time. The left will seize on his comment that they've been paying more the past 4-5 years to claim it was all Obama.
  5. Eh, I think this one's better:
  6. I may have to vote Democrat if Yang wins the nod.
  7. We're going to need the PoC Physics explanation, instead of your white-boy physics nonsense.
  8. Don't be such an ageist, that's not very woke. Some conflict-involved people did some things to fascist-involved persons in the 1940's, before returning home to procreate (with potentially inadequate permission given.)
  9. Are you assuming their gender and familial identities?!?
  10. Eh, I'm guessing his internal poll numbers showed him at "who?" percent.
  11. Realistically, WalMart knows their gesture is nothing more than a meaningless PR stunt that gets the blue check idiots off their back. They're not sacrificing a significant percentage of their overall sales figures by getting rid of pistol ammunition. There's a reason they didn't choose to end all gun/ammo sales, only a minor portion. They damn well know that very few people are going to stop shopping at WalMart because they can't buy pistol rounds there anymore.
  12. How dare they round up and discriminate against conflict-involved persons!
  13. Amazing how many losers there are on twitter just trying to get his attention. I wonder how many of them would take the STD just to have a few minutes of attention from this jackoff.
  14. Eh, what the hell. They gave the NY Times Pulitzers for publishing false stories, they might as well give Acosta one too!
  15. It will be interesting to see what they get when a Federal Court rules in their favor... 5 years from now.
  16. What a shame. Life is just not as fun without idiots like Acosta trying to make themselves the story with over-the-top antics on a daily basis.
  17. You want a link to your non-existent fake outrage 5 years ago? He's the village idiot from a village full of idiots.
  18. So, where was this fake outrage about the children 5 years ago?
  19. The dumbass should have just kept his mouth shut when he got his corrupt deal. Spiking the ball before doing a touchdown dance afterwards just pissed the city off.
  20. Personally, I blame Trump. There has never been a Category 5 Hurricane in the history of mankind before he was elected and somehow destroyed the environment.
  21. Oh no, is West Point going to tip over like Guam if some funds are diverted?!?!?!?!
  22. It will be interesting to see if she testifies before Congress just as obviously coked-up as her TV interview.
  23. So all Trump has to do is nuke the picture of Dorian Gray to end the threat?
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