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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Would that be the same law that says the rumor-monger is not, in fact, a "whistleblower"?
  2. You kidding? I'd pay to see him get stopped at the front desk , throwing a fit that the mean secretary won't let him by.
  3. Holy crap, you won a motion?!? We're not worthy to have such excellence gracing us with our presence! Come back when your balls drop, kid.
  4. Have you actually seen the inside of a courtroom?
  5. In fairness, cubicle-jockeys at large law firms do make quite a bit of money. Of course he can't wipe his ass without the permission of a partner, but he's paid well to produce those billable hours whilst dreaming of doing something that's actually important. Just think of how sad it is that the most significant thing he does each week is ~3 hours of being an adjunct at some community college.
  6. It's what occurs when an unreasonable client meets the truth.
  7. What's the saying, 'Get woke, go broke'?
  8. Yeah, I'd really like to see Nadler try to collect the fine.
  9. It's truly amazing how selective his fake outrage is.
  10. That's true, assuming that men aren't people. The real victim here is the false accuser whose story is subject to any form of scrutiny. Edit: Maybe she should interview Brian Banks, whose collegiate football (and projected NFL) career was destroyed when he went to prison based on false rape allegations.
  11. Biden's problem isn't so much the gaffes themselves (he's been a gaffe machine for nearly 50 years). It's that he's going off into fantasy-land far too often with his stories, which feeds into the attack narrative that he's going senile.
  12. The fundamental flaw in your logic is assuming that everything is the same as it was in 2016. People do, in fact, look at their 401(k)s and job opportunities when voting. Well, if you want to pretend that misspeaking on the fly means much, which one of the 57 states was the WTC in?
  13. Nary a peep in the US media about this, outside of the Wall Street Journal. God forbid they allow anyone (including Iran itself) to challenge the narrative.
  14. I'd wager that they wonder why the DNC's campaign coffers are dry.
  15. That's the trap the mullahs are trying to set. Get their proxies to force an attack on Iran, so that they can proclaim victim status and rally the protesters threatening the regime around the flag.
  16. Eh, they should have had 10-12 guys dressed in Grand Armee uniforms come out with muskets to stop the others, while Napoleon rides by yelling "It's good to be the Emperor!"
  17. One, but you have to look super cute with him.
  18. Well, it's not like anyone died... oh wait.
  19. Well, that's one way to increase pressure on Abbas to come to the table and be reasonable.
  20. Guess again.
  21. Either they couldn't prove how much he stole, or he got the freakin' deal of the century. Stealing $90,000 is Grand Larceny 2nd in NY, which is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. However, the restitution is a lot of bread to come up with.
  22. Here's the ranking I'm interested in: 1st AFC East (1-0-0)
  23. What? You mean that a lying liberal looney and a corrupt loser aren't going to beat Trump, thus ruining my ***** arkanicide joke?
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