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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, I may not be an engineer, but I am a:
  2. Please cite the exact law he broke when committing this "crime".
  3. Let's recap: You don't understand that enforcing laws to ensure that people immigrate LEGALLY isn't "reducing the # of immigrants across the world". You don't understand that 90% of Americans got a tax cut (or that most were too stupid to adjust the reset of their deductions.) It's clear that you don't even know what an "Embargo's" is. When was the last time Lil' Kim tested a nuclear weapon? Please remind us all. You seem to think anyone actually cares about being "besties" with the Chinese. Thanks for stopping by. It's been a gas.
  4. Well, as nice as these scary headlines are, it's not legal to hold people for ICE based upon an ICE "warrant". ICE detainers have no legal meaning, because they're just signed by Joe Blow at ICE, not an actual judge - which makes detention based on an ICE detainer illegal. Edit: On a side note, law enforcement generally tells ICE when they're going to release people like these. The fact that ICE can't be bothered to get off their asses to pick them up isn't on the state.
  5. I'd expect the House to drag its feet (assuming that they can even get the votes to pass articles of impeachment) so that the Senate cannot hold a full trial before the 2020 election.
  6. So, as I'm reading through this, it's quite amusing. At least the rumor-monger admitted that they had no actual knowledge, and that this is based almost exclusively on hearsay. And no, Crayola, you really don't understand what hearsay means. They start off by claiming everything in it is unclassified (when separated from the attachments), then demands that anyone who "retroactively" classifies any portion justify overruling his/her determination that the complaint is unclassified. Though bonus points for trying to pretend that their rumor-mongering is so important that it's going to be silenced by classification. Section 2 is a fairly serious mischaracterization of the phonecall. Again, quite amusing, especially in light of it actually being released. Section 3 is just complete nonsense. According to what some people read to me about what other people said... bullschiff. Section 4 is a laughable recitation of media stories, including the NYT, trying to tie all this nonsense together. Of course, ignoring the clearly uninformed mischaracterizations thus far in the "complaint" - which is actually why hearsay is generally not admissible. The biggest takeaway I got from this is that the rumor-monger was given incorrect information, and seemed to be upset that the information they wanted to release was kept on a different computer server. They even admit in the formerly-classified appendix that the complained-of hearsay nonsense might be valid policy considerations.
  7. Well, he's convinced me to switch parties and vote for him. Either way, she'll have to swallow what comes.
  8. Whose Willie Brown do I have to Kamala Harris to get one of these $50,000 per month no-show jobs?
  9. Easy there. She's female, a child, autistic, and checks several other identity/victim boxes. You're a monster if you criticize the little B word or the fake accolades they're trying to give her to bolster her petulant little rants.
  10. Is it really surprising after they selectively quoted Trump with the "fine people" line?
  11. Yeah, but in the interim, it's still fun to mock the leftist fantasy/stupidity.
  12. Normally I reserve this response for Tibs' stupidity, but you've managed to spectacularly outdo him:
  13. So... you're trying to claim that the Ukrainian president somehow paid Trump to meet with him? You really should read the "law" you're trying to cram this farce into.
  14. Please identify the "official act" Trump performed for "personal gain".
  15. Which specific law is that? Or is this just a long Kingpin reference?
  16. Really now. Which "law" did he break the letter of? How did he break the "law"? I only ask the second question as the transcript is pretty damned clear he didn't "coerce" or promise/threaten anything. Don't get me wrong, if you want to play fantasy-impeachment, go for it. Just don't get upset when the reality of petty partisan stupidity smacks you right in the face yet again.
  17. Yes, clearly Trump used those secret meetings with Putin to put the Ukrainians up to making an uninformed rumor-monger invent a politically-motivated complaint so that Biden can get hoisted by his own corrupt petard. It's all part of the master plan!
  18. I like the part where they try to absolve themselves of responsibility because he pre-empted their hit piece by having a press conference before the article was published.
  19. It's not even a fishing trip (the college already has them/knows what's there, if they are seeking to unseal), it's simply meant to release things to embarrass the clerk/family.
  20. Use a really long extension cord. The fools at the power plant don't police their outside outlets.
  21. What part of that law requires a president to do anything? Bonus question you won't answer: how, exactly, is this supposed phone call an 'intelligence community' issue?
  22. Identify the specific law he is "violating".
  23. Well, that's nice. Still doesn't mean the rumor-monger meets the legal definition of a "whistleblower".
  24. Oh, the other one? Well... crap. Guess we'll just have to #IMPEACH now.
  25. Between the twerkers and the petulant 16 year old, I was ready to give up red meat, my vehicle, my job, and exist solely on my 'unwilling-to-work' government subsidy. Now, after this report showing scientific consensus that there's no actual 'climate emergency'... I just don't know how to live!
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