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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Look, man. You can admit that you're jealous that you're not a 3rd chair superlawyer, who once won a motion, who drives your smoking hot girlfriend around in your 6-figure supercar, on top of teaching as an adjunct professor at a top 20 community college. Oh, and that you don't make more money than the rest of us combined. It's ok, we won't think less of you.
  2. I'm somewhat torn on this. On the one hand, I can see her story being plausible. Let's not pretend that anyone who just worked a 13 hour shift is going to be paying attention to a freakin' doormat. On the other hand, she killed a guy in his own apartment while he was enjoying a bowl of ice cream. I'm not cool with that.
  3. Assuming our benevolent Domino's Delivery Drone overlords allow you to live long enough to collect after your presumptuous complaint.
  4. I, for one, welcome our new Domino's delivery drone overlords.
  5. I give the win to the guy in the dark jacket. He had a far better form than the soyboy douchebag in the yellow.
  6. The injunction makes sense. Florida cannot authorize its law enforcement officers to engage in law enforcement activities in another state (whether cooperating with the Feds or not.)
  7. The left is nothing if not unoriginal...
  8. What's the over/under for Barr to suddenly have 60-80 frivolous attorney ethics complaints filed by Democrat morons (you know, like they did with Kavanaugh)? I say two weeks.
  9. I think the first-hand knowledge part was in the poor retelling of the media articles that the rumor-monger personally read.
  10. Well, 1/1024th WoC. But really, how can we quantify her lifelong struggles in dealing with her non-white racial identity as a very, very, very, very, very small fraction, when her parents had to elope because blah blah blah?!?
  11. Eh, ***** that idiot. Of course, now I have the choice between two equally stupid twats in November to replace him...
  12. You mean besides the transcript that showed that it didn't happen? Oh wait, we have Schiff's "parody" transcript that conclusively shows Trump should be impeached. I'm sure all his other conclusive evidence of the Ukraine thing, along with all his promised conclusive evidence of the Russia thing, will tip the scales and show that the Democraps finally have him *this* time! Here's some rhetorical questions for you: Why do the Democrats have to consistently lie about the evidence and change the House rules to hide what they're doing, if there's such overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt? Why did the whistleblower rules have to be changed just in time for this "complaint" to be filed? Why is Bud Light considered more than piss water?
  13. Yeah, except for all the evidence that disproves the 'extortion' bullschiff.
  14. Wow, that would be really serious... if it had any basis in reality.
  15. What a bunch of bullcrap. That was clearly an intent-to-injure hit. There was no reason for him to lead with his helmet into the helmet of a runner who was in the middle of being tackled.
  16. Please remind me who won the game. I seem to have forgotten after reading your incredibly irrelevant point.
  17. Offense looked stupid at times. There was no reason to keep throwing bombs in the first half.
  18. Congress? Never. Democrats? 1861-1865.
  19. So the best ***** name this guy could come up with for his transwhatever persona is Valkyrie Weather? Did he actually inherit any of his father's creativity?
  20. Uh oh, are we supposed to be again outraged over the death of a Saudi that no one ever heard of?
  21. Where are we going to find these "journalists" he is referring to? Certainly not in the current media.
  22. Yeah, but was it really necessary to devote an entire section in your paper to putting racing stripes on the clean beakers to see if they beak faster?
  23. Wow. I'm not sure if that guy has his head so far up his ass he actually believes that nonsense or if he's got the greatest deadpan joke delivery ever.
  24. Well, he does make more money than the rest of us combined being an adjunct professor at a community college/3rd chair superlawyer.
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