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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Damned things are hard to keep on!
  2. Crap, do I have to buy more fake eyebrow glue?
  3. Well, the media is, quite predictably, lapping up the hack job with the 'texts': https://news.yahoo.com/once-obscure-diplomat-volker-center-230937296.html Just look at the idiot liberals in the comments section creaming their pants with joy (without understanding what they're being told.)
  4. You could have waited more than 6 posts to regurgitate an insult thrown your way as something you came up with. Do better. I have faith in you!
  5. Sounds like the massacre is getting set to begin in earnest.
  6. What, and give up the whole women-are-property thing?
  7. I'm not sure what's so incredible about this story. I mean, what is more accurate and trustworthy than third-hand hearsay which contains no details?
  8. Friggin' Samsung. Not very woke.
  9. Trump's so evil that he gets foreign leaders to coerce themselves into doing whatever corrupt thing Trump wants. Or something. Whatever. #IMPEACH
  10. I'm not sure what the big deal is, word has it Ozymandias Rorschach already killed Moloch.
  11. I love how it took ~40 seconds for someone to figure out they needed to turn the pump off.
  12. Looked at the comments for the idiotic Nazi references. Wasn't disappointed.
  13. Watched both AEW Dynamite and NXT last night. I like where AEW is going with their show. It was different while still being a darned entertaining wrestling show, especially with some of the little throwbacks to the better days of WCW (entrance ramp interviews, etc.). I'm also now a MJF mark. He's a fantastic douchebag. NXT won the night for me, though. Those were some amazing matches, and nothing was going to top both Balor and Ciampa returning. The real question is which show will be better 2 months from now.
  14. I listened to part of his press conference on the way into work this morning. He also said they were told not to contact the State Department Counsel's Office.
  15. The Democrat strategy is getting pretty clear: they're trying to use these idiotic hearings to manufacture some type of 'obstruction' narrative to be the basis of their articles of impeachment.
  16. There's more than one way to drain Biden's swamp.
  17. I agree with Tibs. After their stunning expose into Trump's ice cream consumption relative to the other guests at dinner, how can we question CNN's honesty, integrity, and neutrality. Hell, they even offered to read publicly-available classified information to tell us what's in it!
  18. I agree, this was pretty clearly a Manslaughter-type case, not a murder case. As for severity, from the news articles, it seems the punishment range is between 5 and 99 years. Apparently the jury decides the sentence as well. Mitigation is going to be a B word for the defense, especially after the jury rejected the 'mistakes were made' defense at trial.
  19. Oh, ok then. We'll just ignore that Allen has a far more aggressive playstyle as QB.
  20. Allen has quite a bit more mental fortitude (oh, and balls) than Trentative ever did.
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