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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. How dare that petulant little turd use up precious oxygen that her younger sibling needs to survive?!? She has stolen their childhood and crushed their dreams through oxygen depletion during her long-winded (and obviously-scripted) advocacy!
  2. Trump, clearly. He is the one, after all, who keeps obstructing the Democrats' laughable attempts to remove him from office.
  3. Pfft. Everyone knows that the Germans were bombing Pearl Harbor at the time.
  4. What? CrowdStrike just said that they were non-partisan! Are they seriously pouncing by accusing someone on the left, without evidence, of lying?!? What's next, you gonna tell us that CNN, WaPO, and the NYT publishes provably false/misleading information in their stories?
  5. Well, since the left sees themselves as good, and they keep falling for the obvious trolling, this is appropriate:
  6. That's unpossible! All the polls clearly say that a majority of polled Democrats think that Trump should be impeached!
  7. Exactly! Either he needs to start kicking the ball so it lands out of bounds at the 1 foot line, or they need to cut ties and drop the dead weight.
  8. The punter. Not only can I not spell his name, but he had that one punt blocked because no one thought to block the defense. ***** off with this well-reasoned logic.
  9. So the Democrats are, in fact, afraid of their lies being exposed... yet again. Well, if laughing at you idiots and your selectively fake outrage constitutes a "wine", then get me some cheese, mother *****. Oh, and bring your shine box.
  10. Aww, it's just a darned shame that the Ambassador won't get to be "deposed" in secret by the Democrats. Maybe the Democrats should take a vote and do all this "investigating" in public. Have you ever wondered why they are trying to do all this in secret, behind closed doors, then refusing to release the transcripts?
  11. Not so much. States trying to individually control the internet isn't going to fly for long in federal court.
  12. Do they think that Congressionally professionally-written and annotated whistleblower complaints just magically appear out of thin air?
  13. I don't disagree with this, but there was a fourth choice: Allow Turkey to police the void with a very specific agreement on how they would treat the Kurds. As it stands right now, we just abandoned our Kurdish allies to the wolves.
  14. So... it will be a Trail of Tears for Warren?
  15. The 2nd Circuit is going to do an expedited hearing on the matter. That crooked asswipe Vance should be forced to come up with some proof that he actually needs this information before the Grand Jury.
  16. No, but only when that corruption involves Democrats - especially Democrats linked to Obama. Investigating corrupt Democrats is even more of an impeachable offense than beating Hillary!
  17. You know, I really didn't like the effort McDermott was putting into his golf clapping after every play. He was clearly taking the Titans for granted.
  18. Trump: continuing to prove that he's the worst racist anti-Semite ever. Can't he even do white supremacy right?
  19. Personally, I'll be lamenting that I wasn't an adjunct professor of writing at my local community college/3rd chair superstar attorney who once won a motion, and makes more money than everyone here combined.
  20. Ahh, but this one has first-hand knowledge of all the stuff that isn't new, making Trump go from incredibly guilty to super-incredibly guilty of beating Hillary or whatever this week's crime is.
  21. Well, when your first "whistleblower" falls flat, invent another! https://news.yahoo.com/2nd-whistleblower-ukraine-trump-015820491.html
  22. Well, after enlarging the picture, I'm pretty sure she gave Sean Connery a run for his money back in the 60's.
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