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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Oh, I know. Many on the left would happily drink her urine and pretend to be drunk if she told them it was champagne. I just find it interesting that she has to do her own dirty work now.
  2. If the Bills won the Super Bowl, fans from all walks of life and political persuasions would work together to collectively burn downtown Buffalo to the ground in celebration. It'd be a party for the ages.
  3. Well, when you ***** with people's livelihoods, don't be surprised if you get your ass kicked.
  4. Well, what else are you supposed to do when you're naked and one of your junior staff members is having a bad hair day? The Congresscritter is a goddamn hero for helping this young woman avoid hairpocalypse!
  5. Well, that's about the most idiotic comparison I've ever seen. Please reconcile your rather stupid argument that providing foreign aid - to which Ukraine has no actual entitlement - to benefits that worker in your idiotic scenario qualifies for and is entitled to as a matter of law. That's without even getting into how stupid and disingenuous the whole 'quid pro quo' narrative is. That's why she courts the Willie Brown's little Mayor Willie's of the world to get ahead.
  6. What I find fascinating about this is that her previous bullschiff smears (Obama not born in US; Trump/Russia; etc.) were usually quietly started by her surrogates. The fact that she's having to do the palpably false smearing herself this time says a lot about how far she's fallen since 2016.
  7. Well, when you want to ***** with people's livelihoods, expect to get your ass kicked.
  8. This shows that you clearly don't understand Trump's brand.
  9. Yeah, racking up them profits by charging cost. That's a brilliant argument.
  10. How the ***** did you know my password was password?!?
  11. At cost? AT COST?!? COST?!?!?!?!?!?!?!/1/1/1/1/1/?!? THE MAN IS A FASCIST COMMUNIST CAPITALIST WHO IS ACTUALLY LITERALLY SUPER MECHA-HITLER AND NEEDS TO BE #IMPEACHED IMMEDIATELY!!11111oneoneoneeleventyoneone!!!11 The need to impeach this unqualified communist fascist capitalist pig dog is so great, I'm using pound signs HASHTAGS!!! I feel the need to scream helplessly at the sky, then tweet unoriginal virus videos from my safe space. Anyone have soy milk for my lukewarm chocolate?
  12. You know the stock answer would be to claim that Obamacare was ruined and destroyed when Trump and the evil mecha-Nazi GOPs removed the penalty and ended the subsidies when they unjustly enriched 90% of US taxpayers in their tax cut bill.
  13. Should anyone be surprised that AOC is backing Bernie? She's a freakin' Bernie Bro who volunteered on his 2016 campaign. Of course she is going to back the commie bastard.
  14. Wait, his resort's profits are down 70%?!? That's unpossible! All I hear is about how Trump is making billions off the presidency from the emolument experts on the left!
  15. You know, except for all the stuff the rumormonger was 100% wrong about.
  16. Hey now, don't forget that Romney gave some chick cancer, and that he owns a horse!
  17. Worst. Warmonger. Ever. Was that Kurdish "military" helping us defeat ISIS out of the kindness of their hearts, or because ISIS was trying to conquer/kill their people? You know, there is a bit of a difference.
  18. Covering the charge of the light brigade against Putin's artillery in Crimea.
  19. Eh, they're not wrong. Oh, not because Nasty Nancy was actually acting like an adult, but because they're going to keep repeating their lies into the history books.
  20. They should take these ***** on an Argentine-style plane trip out to the middle of the ocean.
  21. The Democrats have no leverage, if this is their play. Sure, they can continue this secret inquiry nonsense for a time, but ultimately their ultra-left base will force Nasty Nancy to schiff or get off the pot with a vote. They damn well know that there is exactly a 0% chance the Senate will have 66 votes to convict. Frankly, I'm not convinced that the House Democrats have 200 (much less 218) votes to even pass Articles of Impeachment. Meanwhile, all they are doing is endangering the purple-district Democrats and pissing off Independents who are starting to see this nonsense as a waste of time - especially after the Russia hoax they perpetrated for nearly 3 years was pretty conclusively exposed and debunked.
  22. Funny how the EU magically became somewhat more reasonable when there was a credible threat and near certainty of a no-deal disaster.
  23. I'm surprised he was only 68. He looked like he was 80. I hope his passing was painless. Either way, it sucks for his friends and family.
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