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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. That's been the left's goal all along.
  2. Inside jokes are fine; posting this ***** on social media is just plain stupid. You'd think by now that people would catch on that crap like this gets around.
  3. From the comments: Thank God those troopers lived.
  4. And ruin your ignorant rants? Perish the thought. You're particular brand of stupidity is providing a lot of entertainment value today.
  5. Love the unsupported suppositions in your little straw man. Man, you must be very blissful, with such an amazing display of ignorance.
  6. Well, obviously they overkilled him so much that he he went around the wheel and is alive again.
  7. How many hours am I paid to work? How many hours did I work? Your ignorance continues to amuse me. Almost as much as when you're trying (and failing) to be witty and clever.
  8. Why, when I can just sit back and laugh at your ignorance as you post nonsense like: Oh, and I'm not here to educate you as to how I make my money.
  9. The ignorance on display here is simply breathtaking. Well done, my friend. The sad part is that you actually seem to think that you're being witty and clever.
  10. Unfortunately, nonsense like this is all they have left. Trump broke the left.
  11. It's adorable when you have no clue what you're talking about. You know, which is almost always.
  12. Makes me wonder if Trump was correct when he said something about putting NY into play. That or you're part of the latest suppression polls.
  13. https://www.kusi.com/a-los-angeles-teachers-union-says-public-schools-should-not-reopen-unless-their-demands-are-met/ It's all about the children.
  14. You're seriously going to lecture anyone about honesty?
  15. My job. Well, only if you squint, tilt your head 32 degrees to the left, and make repeated ignorant suppositions.
  16. Ah, once again you are being disingenuous while making a stupid point. That, scooter, is why you fail.
  17. Wait, you mean that life is a terminal condition?!?
  18. Aww, look at you making a laughably false equivalence.
  19. There's an app a kamala for that.
  20. Eh, I'm not so sure on your first point, however he is definitely pandering.
  21. You might want to get your basic facts right.
  22. In breaking news, Trump officially endorses vampirism, a fascist form of Nazi cruelty. Also, plasma transfusions are no longer good for you. Trump, once again, wants to kill your grandmother. Democrats plan to pass new Articles of Impeachment, because Trump owns $24.86 worth of stock in a company who specializes in providing minimal support services to the newly formed plasma-industrial complex. 186,000 former Obama administration ethics experts claim that Trump is corruptly attempting to enrich himself, and his family, at the expense of the sick and vulnerable.
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