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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, we wouldn't want to endanger the dog's family or b-itches by releasing his name.
  2. Were you sitting next to Brian Williams? He was there too, you know.
  3. So... I'm projecting my unerring recitation of the daily DNC-approved talking points memo onto you? Yeah, remember what I said earlier about going full gator?
  4. If you had seen anything past season 3, you would agree that Orange is evil, and that orange man is bad!
  5. It's funny how your "personal observations" tend to strictly follow the daily DNC-approved talking points memo...
  6. What's the problem? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? After 3 years, you have to ask?!? The man is orange, for *****'s sake. ORANGE. Therefore he is bad. The orange man is bad!
  7. This is nothing. Remember: Philly booed Santa Claus.
  8. Trump rushed a wounded service animal back into service after making racist remarks about dogs?!?!?!?! #IMPEACH #MONSTER #INHUMANE #POUNDSYMBOL
  9. The Orwell angle is the new DNC-approved talking point? How delightfully unoriginal. Wake me when we get back to the 'Everyone I disagree with is Hitler' retort.
  10. So you're against uncensored internet boobs?
  11. Only one?!? Google truly is the enemy of the people!
  12. Well, it's been awhile since you went full gator. I guess you were due.
  13. I am outraged at your outrage at their outrage for tacos being sold to a group that we're all supposed to be outraged against for outrageous reasons. Crap, I lost track of who I am supposed to buy street tacos from now. Any guesses as to how many of the folks outraged that tacos were sold to federal employees were actually customers of Lloyds?
  14. Come now, I have full faith in the stupidity of liberals to buy this level of bullschiff.
  15. Absolutely. Fecal-covered solid gold streets! No power for millions! Tent cities of the homeless! It's a ***** Typhus-ridden paradise! We should all aspire to become third world!
  16. What's next, large turtles who practice ninjutsu taught to them by a rat?
  17. Trump is so incompetent and out of touch, that he's micromanaging DoD contracts. This is akin to 'Bush 43 is so stupid, he choked on a pretzel, yet somehow masterminded an incredibly complex false flag operation on 9/11 to justify invading Iraq in 2003!'
  18. Eh, the best I ever got from a sarcastic answer was getting a professor in law school to start singing the Money song from Cabaret. He even did jazz hands as he danced back and forth. It was quite impressive. Still kinda proud of that one.
  19. Did she go on to describe her warfare experiences before deleting her tweet?
  20. Trump and Barr's uncontrolled lawfullness must stop! Impeachment is the only answer, before they get to the bottom of the mystery and rip Nancy's mask off - revealing old man Smithers.
  21. Well, a US canine was injured. That had to have been good for a smirk. The 'leak like a sieve' comment was just to get them riled up (which means they will - quite predictably - say something stupid in response.) Same with the hyperbole he used in describing al Baghdadi's death.
  22. Great, what does their war declaration power have to do with being briefed on the operational plans of a particular mission? (On a side note, they already authorized the use of force.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, now the media is trying to compare Trump's "staged" photo in the Situation Room with Obama's 2011 photo that "crackles with suspense"... while glossing over the fact that Obama was taking a back seat, and even sitting on a folding chair. https://news.yahoo.com/situation-room-2-photos-capture-193316423.html
  23. I still would like to know what legal authority they are pretending to have that requires the president to inform Congress about planned/ongoing military operations. Especially notifying members of the House who have a history of actively hindering the president.
  24. Well, he did piss off a Clinton...
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