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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Crap move, but I can't blame CBS (assuming ABC provided some proof he actually did it.) Cannot employ a person you cannot trust.
  2. Not really. Standing up for young women carries a significantly less risk of suicide than not backing the Clintons.
  3. This type of argument, I'd wager, would get far more support than the "HOW DARE YOU!!!!!111" and "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE IN 12 YEARS" bullschiff histrionics that climate whacknuts are trying to force on everyone.
  4. Wow. What a douche. Very few people realize that most valuable asset any attorney has is his reputation in the legal community. It takes years/decades to build, and seconds to destroy. Dealing with other attorneys, prosecutors, judges, clerks, etc. is so much smoother, and better for your client, when they can trust what you say. For example, with a phone call, my boss can make schitt happen in most counties in WNY - and to a certain extent across NYS - because he's spent 50 years building, earning, and maintaining his reputation. Getting caught perpetrating a fraud on the Court (and on opposing counsel) is deadly to most careers. Especially on something so ***** stupid as missing a discovery conference that was set up a week in advance. When you do something like miss a conference as an attorney, you man up, say you're sorry, take your licks, and move on with life - no harm done. Quintoupling down on stupidity and lies is client-level insanity. He may very well not be practicing in that jurisdiction for a good long while because of this.
  5. Now them ***** have gone too far! NO ONE ***** WITH TURKEY DAY AND LIVES!
  6. Hey man, if it's not verified by at least 4 sources and an affidavit from God himself, it's just not up to the rigorous journalistic standards of the main stream media. Unless, of course, it's an unverified salacious smear on a Republican, then who cares, right? Nazis deserve to have their dirty laundry published!
  7. Which include unlimited funds for air travel on private jets... for research purposes, of course.
  8. Clearly the only answer to save us all is radical wealth redistribution.
  9. It's like no one on the left saw this coming...
  10. If we got rid of road rage, what would motivate me to 'correct' the behavior of drivers who are driving like ***** morons?
  11. Great, what does that have to do with ABC sitting on the story for 3 years?
  12. Yeah, but it's just not gator if he can't use re.tard logic to turn anything back to #OrangeManBad.
  13. What, did people expect humanity to die off in 11.1 years without any casualties?
  14. And yet you can't figure out why the Democrats lost in 2016, could not take the Senate in 2018, and are going to get thumped in 2020. Amazing.
  15. Well, guess that makes Bill Clinton being a pedophile alright then. It's official: All Democrat sins are now forgiven, because the prosecutor who was ordered to let Epstein go was given an irrelevant cabinet appointment 10 years later!
  16. Multiple people, most of whom exonerated Trump.
  17. Who the hell needs to talk to the purported victim, when there's a PURPLE HEART RECIPIENT* available to express his unfounded and unsupported concerns?!? *Of course, the purple heart recipient must have the correct opinion for his military decorations to count.
  18. Well, Trump is a racist bigot Nazi white supremacist for wanting to use the US military to target brown-skinned Mexican businessmen who are running major drug-trafficking organizations just to try to feed their families. Think of the little Mexican children he wants to orphan! The monster!
  19. Perhaps the cartels won't end, but they can be delayed and set back for a good long while.
  20. The real reason Kamala Harris is tanking
  21. Man, I hope he doesn't betray the team's secrets by telling the Colts that if they run up the middle, no one is going to tackle...
  22. Are you ***** kidding? The idiot was tweeting death threats (from the locker room) to people after they called him out for sucking.
  23. Proof of Trump's treason! ...Or something.
  24. Absolutely. In a month or so, after the media has established the proper narrative, Schiff's staff will quietly release the exculpatory transcripts in a Friday night document dump that will not be mentioned by the media. Standard operating procedure.
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