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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. As a white girl who pretends to be a person of color, she cannot distinguish between black people.
  2. Here's a thought: Do the work yourself, like the rest of us have. Try starting with the years of research posted on this forum.
  3. A lie? Are you serious? Schiff already has the 100% certified and verified (in closed-door secret hearings) transcript of that comment! Just ask him!
  4. Yes I woul... er, wrong thread.
  5. This is quite an interesting take, Bob. You complain about liars, while spouting their provably-false talking points. Trump says he was being spied on, called a liar. He was proven correct. Trump says he did not collude with Russia, called a liar. He was proven correct. Trump said he did not withhold aid to Ukraine for a political favor, called a liar. He has been proven correct. At some point, even your THC-addled brain has to accept that it's not Trump who is 'crying wolf'.
  6. They don't care, especially since it will likely be one of theirs who will truly need to be investigated. The Democrats have shown time and again that they'll disregard any norm for political expediency... then whine and cry and #resist when their own policies are used against them. They didn't learn when Reid used the 'nuclear option'. They didn't learn from the #metoo movement. They won't learn from this impeachment nonsense. They won't learn if they ever make good on their threat to remove the filibuster. Trump is winning because the left are idiots.
  7. I'd wager the bulk of the $680-or whatever million that was cited in the article for the property was cleanup. That ***** ain't cheap, especially if the old Republic Steel was dumping nasty chemicals into the ground. Really, the only thing that would be a real problem to resell is the specialized equipment that the state bought for Tesla. Buildings can be converted or modified, special equipment - not so much.
  8. It's "enlightened policy", and you're a racist Nazi for insinuating anything.
  9. ...and this is yet another example of why the government owning the means of production - you know, socialism - doesn't work. However, it looks like the vast majority of the money went into environmental clean-up, which means that the land can be resold and reused quite easily, if this Tesla boondoggle fails.
  10. The comments under the video itself are hysterical. Those morons actually think they won the exchange and "got him".
  11. I think we have to cycle through a "Journalists are goddamn war heroes who are being put in danger by his reckless accusations" phase first.
  12. Eh, he can go upstairs to ask her if you need to know. Good thing you're not a defense attorney. The first rule is actually 'money up front'.
  13. I wonder what the large favor Crawford just earned is going to be.
  14. So... how are they going to decriminalize something they've been telling us isn't criminal to begin with? I mean, it's not like the Democrats to lie about stuff!
  15. Ooooh, I can't wait for the 3rd and 4th guys to come forward with even more ridiculous stories after the first two have their stories fall apart!
  16. Maybe they can award her a purple heart to bolster her credibility.
  17. It is certainly an imposing place. They were very effective in designing the walls.
  18. Man, I've done a bid in there, it ain't no joke. The things I saw will haunt me for the rest of my days. It was the hardest 2.5 hours of my life, before I was finished talking to my client and let out the front gate.
  19. Nah, you've got far too much sand up there.
  20. Hey man, did you know Trump hired Jim Acosta, who let Epstein rape kids, molest nuns, and thrice used a sack of kittens to beat a sack of puppies to death?!?
  21. Remember that time you swore to us that you didn't have sexual relations with that clown??? Yeah, well explain you puking up this the next morning:
  22. Not to mention starting a world war and making the trains run on time... However, we've been told by the morons on the left that Trump is an actual literal super mecha-Hitler, so it must be true!!!!11
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