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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Great, now we're back at false accusations of "OBSTRUCTION!!!".
  2. Not just that: Freedom of the press only applies to hand-crank movable-type printing presses, and freedom of speech only applies to the spoken word.
  3. Nah, she already admitted that Trump won when she commented that he should do his "job".
  4. Did you try hookers and blow? If not, then you really didn't try *that* hard.
  5. So, wouldn't that justify asking for that corrupt behavior to be investigated?
  6. I have a feeling that Trump's streak of winning the Democrat debates will hold. I so love Best Korean press releases. The hyperbole is just hysterical.
  7. So, let me get this right: Setting up a fund for reparations in lieu of lawsuits against the estate is akin to raping children? What a ***** moron.
  8. Don't be surprised if SCOTUS rules against Trump. Congress is traditionally given a wide berth with stuff like this.
  9. That or he bribed them by not giving money he didn't owe them in exchange for nothing.
  10. I don't want the woman to die, but damn that would be entertaining. I can't wait for them to dig up decades-old sexual assault allegations on the woman Trump is likely to appoint to replace RBG. You know, my cousin's neighbor's girlfriend's ex brother-in-law's college chemistry lab partner's former roommate's boyfriend's best friend once saw the potential appointee murder a guy in cold blood, and dispose of the body in a wood chipper! I may now need a Soros-led gofundme page to assist with the expenses associated with my future Congressional testimony on this matter.
  11. 1.) That is ***** hilarious. 2.) I'm amazed that someone picked up on it so quickly.
  12. I'm just waiting for the line from Warren that those billionaires aren't sufficiently patriotic because they won't sell assets in order to pay outrageous taxes. Not willingly sacrificing your wealth to advance a communist agenda is unAmerican, dammit!
  13. Actually, it is. Unless Congress changes the law. Which the dumbschiff Democrats are pledging to do, so that they can pack the court. Which is a pretty interesting proposition, considering that they seem to want to use the legislature to change the laws so that they can legislate through the courts.
  14. All because some douchebags on her social media started screaming bullschiff that the Salvation Army is anti-LGBTSIRNSDHWODEQ. They should just replace the B word now. She's too stupid to fundraise.
  15. Outstanding news! It means the Bills only need to find about 9 more wins on the schedule for 2020 to virtually guarantee the playoffs (at 11-5).
  16. Math too! It discriminates against people who suck at it, like me. Probably some PoCs and women folk also. I'm officially claiming victim status, you must all worship me, as I'm now better than you due to my inherent victimhoodnesship! (Am I doing this right?)
  17. Can't appoint someone for an office that isn't vacant (and the incumbent cannot be removed.)
  18. Still alive, and quite surprised that he was placed under an involuntary suicide watch.
  19. Again, showing that you don't comprehend what Trump was doing in appointing Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to the bench. I know this is a tough concept for a left-wing dipschiff to understand, but their appointments were never about politics.
  20. Apparently you haven't been paying attention to reality.
  21. *****, now I'm going to have to read page 69 of the report. Whenever it comes out. Probably on the 12th.
  22. Of course, as a Democrat candidate for an elected office, she is now immune from investigation. Trump should be immediately impeached for allowing one of the agencies under him to investigate a political rival.
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