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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Corruption aside, that's a damned spiffy looking building.
  2. It's pretty easy to predict that all the Democrats want is to selectively leak information to embarrass Trump. My guess is that they plan to intentionally misrepresent his income to claim he's lying about being a billionaire. Of course, the less intelligent of the left (you know, 99% of them) still think there's some line item or 1099 forms showing that he's taking bribes from Russia. Trump is ultimately, however, going to do what he always does: He'll just release the information, blow up their narrative, and make the Democrats look like fools once again.
  3. Tulsi will not happen. The DNC was out to sink her from her from the beginning (literally, the DNC smears started against her the week she announced,) and she took the original chosen one, Kamala, out of the running. While Mayor Pete has victim credentials (being a gay veteran), he'll lose a lot of the minority vote. Blacks and Hispanics aren't typically fans of gays. That's not even counting the loss of black support he suffered when he gave an inadequate response to a white cop shooting a black man in his city a few months ago. Though he's not as batschiff crazy as Warren and Bernie, he's not a moderate.
  4. It will be interesting to see what smears the DNC comes up with to knock him off the top, so they can advance the chosen candidate.
  5. Aren't prank videos supposed to be funny?
  6. Because #OrangeManBad, of course. He's clearly guilty of some high crime or misdemeanor, because shut up, that's why. Anyone who disagrees is a racist Nazi. The man is actually literally super mecha-Hitler in the literal mechanical flesh!
  7. Thank God that IRGC guy chose not to open fire. He made the right call, for both him and the protesters.
  8. Hell, people record themselves watching TV on their phones.
  9. Have they just stormed the Bastille, or is this going to change nothing...
  10. Well, the NPCs certainly got their most recent programming update...
  11. All those listed flaws, yet the Democrats still can't beat him. Couldn't beat him in 2016. Can't beat him in 2020. Pathetic.
  12. If your description of Trump is true, then how pathetic are the Democrats that they just can't beat him?
  13. You keep forgetting that most people just don't care about what he says. Look at the 'p.ussy grabbing' video from before the 2016 election. It didn't move the needle. People know who Donald J. Trump is. Many don't like him and would probably vote for a rational alternative. There are none.
  14. Maybe not directly defeat him in the election, but defeat him by taking the Senate. A lot of people don't like Trump. More people now hate the Democrats because of their irrational resistance and insane policy proposals.
  15. Well, all they have accomplished is to make Trump more popular with their idiotic resistance. All they had to do to beat Trump was not be crazy - and they couldn't pull it off.
  16. Now don't you go deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation!
  17. As royalty yourself, do you remember every single person you were with every single time your photograph was taken, after allegedly raping children?
  18. Look, in fairness, I highly doubt he remembers every child he [allegedly] raped. Dude's a busy guy.
  19. I don't know about that. The Democrat leadership has to know that a trial in the Senate will be an unmitigated disaster for them come November - as in Trump may hit 400+ electoral votes-type disaster.
  20. Update: Court rules that she is not a citizen. Screw her. Hope she enjoys eating sand in Syria for the rest of her life.
  21. One hit, and we now wonder if he'll ever play again.
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