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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I can't speak for others, but I'm generally not interested in the politics or charitable donations of who cooks my ***** food. If I ever got @Chef Jim to make me a sandwich, I guarantee you that his position on kicking gator in the nuts repeatedly is not going to affect my consumption of said delicious sandwich.
  2. This makes me want to surrender my firearms and trust in the government to protect me. Of course, the true answer to the rich getting richer isn't to provide more opportunities for the poor and raise the floor, but simply to tax the rich into oblivion. There's no way that won't work!
  3. An oldie, but a goodie:
  4. Oh no, not INCONSISTENCIES!!!! They've really got him this time!!!1111eleventyoneone
  5. So... how are they going to tip their strippers?
  6. Instead of "lying MF", why not just use the synonym... Democrat.
  7. Why has no one beaten the [crap] (pin intended) out of this guy?
  8. Pisses me off when they take a 1.5-2 year hiatus between seasons. I forget about the show, and when I do remember to watch it again, I cannot remember the plotlines after so long.
  9. The deadite? Absolutely (assuming she wasn't a corpse at the time.) The perp? She looks... stern.
  10. Yikes. That global warming looks freakin' cold.
  11. Speak truth to power [undefined sibling]!
  12. Resistance to my decisions... is futile.
  13. That's the fun part of my job: When a client tells me some BS story which I am obligated to run with, and it blows up spectacularly in their faces (almost always happening after I tell them this is a stupid story to go with, and it won't work.)
  14. ...and the liberals want to keep expanding that figure.
  15. Personally, I don't care so long as we get an effective government that actually tries to pass laws to benefit the nation as a whole, instead of working hard solely to perpetuate their own partisan power. Unfortunately, I don't think we've had that since Washington was president. Maybe not even then.
  16. Huh? Trump beat her in 2016.
  17. I hope, for their sakes, that they don't try to pass legislation for independence. That really will bring the tanks.
  18. C'mon man, it's an outlet run by Never-Trumpers. Therefore, their opinions are unassailable!
  19. Absolutely! It's clear that using foreign aid to actually extort a foreign nation in exchange for personal monetary gain is good foreign policy. Asking the extorted country to assist in investigating the extortion is an impeachable abuse of presidential power. This PSA is brought to you by the same idiots who think pushing pedophilia is a good thing.
  20. I have a cat. She's a territorial B word.
  21. After reviewing the available evidence, both versions are accurate. Vindman was injured when an IED blew up and threw shrapnel into his IUD.
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