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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Of course she'll need carbon-neutral military transportation and round-the-clock security for herself, the other Democrats going, and 125 of the "guests" going with them on this taxpayer-funded European vacation important business trip.
  2. It quite possibly would be... Oh, not for him, but for his father and anyone else involved in corruptly getting him high-paying no-show jobs. Hunter reminds me of the Samuel L. Jackson character from Goodfellas. Hunter is the loser who decids to get high and screw his girlfriend instead of doing the one simple job of getting rid of the incriminating truck. He gets caught by being a dumbass, and pulls down everyone with him.
  3. I self-identify as a transgender lesbian black woman from Evanston, IL who descended from slaves. Now where's my money?
  4. No malarkey, but plenty of bullschiff and senility.
  5. That was a damned catchy tune he was playing on his money run.
  6. Climate scientists, because...
  7. Take this for what it's worth:
  8. Wait, you mean showing up, and reminding everyone that not voting for a WoC means you're racist, isn't a viable campaign strategy?!?
  9. How long do you figure before he finds out what a tariff actually is?
  10. The morons in the comments section are great for a laugh: You know, because treasury bonds can just get "called in".
  11. Well, as long as you're not talking about the Loch Ness Monster. He is real, and the sumbitch owes me tree-fiddy!
  12. LMAO. They actually managed to turn the impeachment schiffshow into a "Republicans pounce" narrative. That's awesome!
  13. 11,000 "experts", and not a one of them has the first clue how to properly express their ideas without sounding like complete ***** idiots.
  14. Well, sounds like her brother did a lot. Which begs the question: what the ***** has this idiot done in her life that mattered?
  15. Eh, you have to be able to show that you've seen them before releasing the fake ones. Did you not learn from Maddow's two whole pages?
  16. Well, that explains how Trump became a billionaire in real estate. It's all profit when you develop and lease/resell all the free room you get in people's heads.
  17. Mercury poisoning? Absolutely not. Which is why they need Trump's tax returns more than ever!
  18. Bummer. I was hoping it wasn't serious when he limped off the field.
  19. As long as they're not drawing penalties, and the team is winning, I couldn't care less.
  20. I call bullschiff. They were just looking for a prime place to put in another Trump Tower.
  21. Absolutely, once you spend billions for the inefficient equipment and infrastructure and ignore maintenance and replacement costs!
  22. Well, none of this is true, and you really don't understand what socialism is. Congrats, you're a moron! However, if you want to play this game: I am so sick of snobby elitist cidiots eating food produced by the people living in rural areas. Sorry, but my food is preventing you from starving and my electricity is keeping your lights on.
  23. Don't forget that Dahmer didn't let body parts go to waste. He was a true steward of the environment.
  24. Translation: The evidence is not overwhelming, and polls are trending against impeachment. Interesting. I wonder if Nadler is retiring and is willing to be the fall guy for killing impeachment in the Judiciary Committee. I hope not. The Senate trial is going to be an entertaining trainwreck for the Democrats.
  25. 23 million crimes? That is damned impressive!
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