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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I'm sure it was just something completely innocent that didn't need to be reported to anyone. You know, like helping him fill out a whistleblower complaint.
  2. Eh, Air Force are sissies. Real men are needed for the SPACE FORCE!
  3. Not strictly "media" bias, but I found this interesting quote from Google in a story about their founders stepping down: You know, so long as you don't want to see anything negative about liberals pop up in searches...
  4. Oh no! They've really got Nunes *THIS* time!
  5. 'Would you like some nice ISIS fighters?' So, I found it interesting to note the complete lack of Macron stepping up to send French soldiers to "stabilize" the region. Funny how he's upset that the US isn't putting our boys in girls in harm's way any longer, all while not volunteering to send his people there...
  6. Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.
  7. Well clearly they did not buy enough facebook ads to qualify for "interference".
  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Noah Feldman: Constitutional "scholar" who specializes in Islamic Legal Studies and admires sharia law. Pamela Karlan: "Voting rights" expert. Michael Gerhardt: Actually seems to have some qualifications to testify. Expert in relationship between Presidents and Congress, including writing treatises on impeachment. Jonathan Turley: TV Liberal pundit. Should be a good schiffshow.
  10. My condolences to his family on his forthcoming suicide.
  11. It would: everyone who can use a gun would be put in the line of fire, and people will vote solidly Democrat to keep their welfare benefits flowing, because the Democrats would have killed off all the jobs in the name of 'progress'.
  12. Yeah, that will show us! Who the hell wants dirty sailors spending money in their city whilst on shore leave anyhow, am I right?
  13. Oh, I have faith in the other inmates in his future cell block to effectuate that 'different punishment'.
  14. Reading between the lines, I'm guessing that the attorney withdrew because Biden is pulling something that is unethical.
  15. I'm going to guess the release is either going to be Wednesday morning, or whatever the second day is going to be, just to crap on Nadler's show trial... Reverse psychology/pity votes. If they act stupidly and self-destructive enough, people will feel badly for them and elect them!
  16. Can't be, it's not the 12th.
  17. Ah, I didn't know she went to work for lawfare; that explains her suddenly being offended enough to "speak out" against Trump. I figured she was going to be pushing a book or something.
  18. She was a wh0re who got busted being a wh0re, while actively trying to use her and her lover's positions for partisan purposes - and got caught. The B word should be slut-shamed. Though I do like how she slipped a "speak truth to power" line in her bullcrap.
  19. Eh, isn't that like $11.50 in real money?
  20. Of course, just wait until they redefine "assault firearm" to include everything.
  21. White cis-males with assault pistols pointed at me! I'm triggered!!!11111!!!!1
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