Now hold on, I thought the "expert" clarified that Trump was using the royal "we", after retroactively granting a (misspelt) title of nobility to his child!
Insane? Probably. Idiots? Definitely.
They can be - bad example.
Should have gone with a S.A.N.E. or an expert on racial bias in identification as not being a fact witness.
Or drag it out through the primary season. You know, by scheduling trial days to occur when the Democrats have debates planned, etc.
Be a real shame if the push by all these states to have early primaries blew up in their faces.
Probably, but they've never cared about long-term consequences, especially when they can just pretend to be victims when their own tactics and precedents are used against them.
So... personally hearing things third-hand is no longer the correct legal standard for 'personal knowledge'?
From what little I have seen of this, it doesn't appear these idiots have much courtroom/appellate experience.