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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. No, the fingerprints they can get from NYS. The DNA sample will require a good-looking hooker.
  2. Eh, she can pound my gavel...
  3. The Mexican government must be schiffting their pants over this. They can't stand up to the cartels, and they won't last long if we start sending troops/drones over the border to take care of business (either through elections or assassinations.)
  4. Yeah, the "polling" was quite funny. I just posted it for the pipe dream that these accusations would siphon off 5% of Trump's voters (which, of course, is the actual goal of this smear campaign.)
  5. I am opposed to willingly giving them my fingerprints. If they're too lazy to get my prints from NYS, *****'em. However, if they want to send an attractive cis-female agent to my door, I may be persuaded into giving her a DNA sample. You know, for the good of the nation and all...
  6. Well, it's Yahoo. They don't recognize that possibility.
  7. Why the ***** would I want to willingly give a federal law enforcement agency my biometric data?
  8. Yahoo lets cat out of bag. Cat scared.
  9. As Tom said, if 17 witnesses came forward about Obama say they have no actual knowledge of wrongdoing, just that they disagree with him (and therefore, he must be doing wrong), you better bet your ass I'd laugh at them just as hard as I'm laughing at the Democrats. As for Zelensky, that is speculative bullschiff based on 'feelz'. I'm interested in provable facts, not some idiots testifying about the interpretations of how they feel about things they heard third-hand.
  10. Whose "truth"? The "truth" given by Democrats that boils down to speculation, assumptions, and innuendo? What about the reality of what was actually said by Trump? Not one person the Democrats have produced can point to an actual provable fact and say Trump "extorted" anything. Not one person can point to an actual provable fact and say Trump "bribed" anyone. Not one person can point to an actual provable fact to say Trump "misused the office for political gain". Not one. Hell, even Ukraine says they were never pressured, and did not even know the aid was being withheld. The feelings and speculation that form the core of the Democrats' "evidence" are nothing more than meaningless nonsense. Oh c'mon, we know you can't quit DR. I start to wonder if we'll see more of this, considering that CNN's ratings are in the schiffter.
  11. Awesome, we're finally above the law! Eat *****, Protestants!
  12. Well, we know that being factually accurate isn't the left's thing, especially when there's feelings to be had.
  13. Well, considering that's not what he actually said during the call, what evidence is your nonsense backed by again?
  14. Yeah, well, who will have the last laugh when the Hyperspace Research Institute finally figures out how to make the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs?
  15. Not Crazy: The Bills will win a playoff game this season. Crazy: The hologram of Tupac Shakur will win a seat in Congress in 2020, going on to be an influential legislator for the next 10 Congresses. Really Crazy: Nancy Pelosi will be sober for her next press conference.
  16. Hey, apparently she hands out jobs for stellar service...
  17. Yes I would...
  18. Man, and I thought that Greta B word had a punchable face.
  19. True, but remember: Even during their "blue wave", they still lost seats in the Senate. If they try that, it might be time to amend the Constitution to require that all members of the House must immediately resign if they pass Articles of Impeachment against a sitting president. If they're all about protecting the nation from a tyrant, then they shouldn't have any problem giving up their seats in Congress for the greater good.
  20. I'm sorry, but I just can't take a guy who spells his name "Perrye" seriously. Special Agent in Charge or not.
  21. This is true. I have no doubt that she would willingly accept any sentence following a conviction, if all those witnesses against her didn't suddenly commit suicide, get shot while being robbed of nothing on the street, or simply mysteriously vanish. As such, she is innocent of everything!
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