I'm guessing their changes were minimal, and weren't going to have a significant effect on the agreement.
Of course, it allows Nasty Nancy to pretend she "won".
I wonder if this is solely about prisoner-swapping, or the Iranians are trying to lay a face-saving excuse for more substantial talks about other issues.
Last I heard, Boris was expected to win.
Apparently Corbyn is their Hillary to Johnson's Trump - the one schmuck actually more unpopular than the right's candidate.
Keep in mind that MBS is supposedly responsible for the murder of some columnist that no one ever heard of prior to his death. Therefore, MBS should be removed as Crown Prince, and the oppressive cultural institutions he is trying to eliminate/reform be kept in place.
That will really show'em.
Read the comments under Bertrand's tweet. They think we're all stupid, because of morons like those buying any line of crap people like Bertrand spit out.
Exactly. It's far easier to just trust guys like Chris Cuomo and Rachel Maddow to tell me what's in the report. Not like they're going to lie about it or spin the revelations.
Oh, and OP: You might want to make peace with the fact that no one gives a ***** about your rules.
They also like to use the phrase "without evidence" whenever anyone challenges the "undisputed" and "uncontested" "debunkings" of any argument they don't like. Of course, just don't ask them to prove these "undisputed" things with actual evidence...
Apparently the ankle monitor would go silent for periods of time. Weinstein's attorneys are trying to say that he has poor cell reception at his mansion near NYC.
Interesting argument to quintuple his bail - bail which exists solely to ensure attendance at court in NY - while he's sitting there, in court, as directed.
Interesting how a District Court judge in NY can still bind the 9th Circuit in California.
Clarence Thomas is right: The Supreme Court needs to do something about these nationwide injunctions being passed out like water in a desert.