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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Do we really care about what that Mormon Nazi who owns a horse and gave some chick cancer says?
  2. Biden can't say much, because it was HIS suggestion McConnell followed. They were calling it the 'Biden Rule' in 2016 for a reason - it was his brainchild back when he was the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
  3. Because history, to these disingenuous dipshits, only began 4 years ago.
  4. Well, if they're not for whatever the Democrats want at the moment, they "ain't black".
  5. You're right, how DARE they refuse to legislate from the bench based on their feelings! Those evil bastards!
  6. Gee, one would think it would be an easier option for Congress to just write a law that is actually Constitutional...
  7. Well, as to the pedophile thing, DR was continually pointing out that by constantly (and it was near constant) trying to derail and disrupt the discussions about major pedophile arrests/news, @wAcKy ZeBrA was tacitly defending pedophiles/evil. I never once saw him accuse anyone of being a pedophile. There are dozens of examples of him saying that. As for the PM nonsense that @wAcKy ZeBrA dragged you into, obviously I have no idea what was said, but I can say that DR absolutely denies calling him a pedophile there either. And yes, I do have DR's email address, and I did talk to Greg post-ban. 1.) Tell them what you and your mods traditionally tell most others that complain about PPP: You're on your own in PPP, use the ignore function. 2.) Did you go through it with DR? I guarantee you that he could have explained himself, and damn sure bet he would have been receptive to correction if you felt he was crossing a poorly-explained line. 3.) I don't disagree with what you're saying, however, had you bothered to do more than a cursory review (which, I get, you have limited time - and certainly it's unreasonable to expect you to go through tens of thousands of posts), these same whiners flung far more vitriol at DR than he did at them. Virtually all of it unprovoked. As others have repeatedly said about him, he was very patient with other posters, until the point it was clear that they were just trolling. If you want to change the rules, that's your right. This is your site; you're the king. All I ask is to please just make it clear what is and what is not acceptable before just telling people they're not welcome in your community. Edit: And Scott, please do not read into this that I'm trying to crap on you, or that I don't appreciate the community here that you founded.
  8. Well, truth be told, I do try to humor the weak-minded, useless, and stupid.
  9. Oh, will you stop being such a whiny B word for once?
  10. So, in other words, you banned him twice without warning, without explanation, without bothering to find out what the ***** was actually going on, and without having the moderator for PPP that you appointed look into it? Awesome.
  11. A majority of Americans didn't vote for Hillary either.
  12. Yes, and who the ***** do you think you are, exactly, to come down here, to the PPP community, and demand the standards that have been in place for decades change?
  13. Is that before or after his campaign calls a 9am lid?
  14. Interesting strategy by Biden's camp. That nonsense about Beau Biden's service was clearly rehearsed (no doubt they thought it was a good idea after how well his previous speech played.) I loved how he kept repeating actually debunked lies about Trump, while just proclaiming anything he didn't like (like Hunter's corruption) was 'previously debunked'. However, he wasn't ready for Trump to press him on specifics when he started spouting nonsense, like the 15% crime jump in GOP-led cities.
  15. Oh, I love the fake outrage Biden is trying to project while talking about his son Beau in Iraq.
  16. I will give credit, Wallace did reference that Biden proclaimed himself the party.
  17. Trump was ready for the 'smart' comment. This is damned entertaining.
  18. I did like Trump's quip about debating Wallace. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seems Trump's strategy is to get Biden to blow a fuse.
  19. Hey, Gill was a darn Nazi. Granted, he made the interplanetary shuttles run on time, but at the cost of how many millions of filthy Zeon lives?
  20. The answer is simple:
  21. Well, you clearly can't believe the DNI. He's hand-picked, you know.
  22. I keep forgetting, it is before or after the Dying Wish clause?
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