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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. YES, RISING INFLATION AND A FLAT ECONOMY WILL DO THAT: Wow, Democrats Lost the Capitol Riot Narrative Big Time. In the four years since the Capitol riot, Democrats have tried incessantly to turn it into a national tragedy akin to 9/11 and/or the Pearl Harbor attack. With the goal of preventing Trump from being able to seek the presidency again, they even called it an insurrection (it wasn’t) and accused Trump of inciting it (he didn’t). Their efforts failed, and Trump was reelected on November 5, becoming the first Republican presidential candidate to win the national popular vote since George W. Bush. Oh what a sweet victory it was. On Monday, Trump’s victory over Kamala Harris was certified, and once again, Democrats proved they just can’t let their phony baloney narrative go. I won’t bother posting all the tweets from Democrats waxing philosophical about the difference between January 6, 2025 and January 6, 2021, but I will show you this cringey post from Sen. Chuck Schumer and some silly “moment of prayer” he and a few other January Sixth-copalians held on Monday. They’re really trying hard, aren’t they? The problem for them is that it’s not working. Despite all their efforts, that day didn’t leave the lasting political scar on the public Democrats had hoped for. Despite the massive media coverage, congressional hearings, and the general pushing of the narrative that the riot was an “insurrection,” most Americans have moved on. CNN’s chief data reporter Harry Enten laid out the data starkly: back in early 2021, a majority of voters—56 percent—believed Trump’s actions on January 6 should disqualify him from the presidency. That figure included those who supported removing him from office. But by 2023, the percentage dropped to 47 percent, flipping the narrative. As Enten put it, “This nine-point shift was tremendous,” because it took the issue from a majority stance to a minority one. Trump captured the overwhelming support of the other 53 percent, effectively neutralizing the talking point. A deeper dive reveals an even more striking reality. In January 2021, 48 percent of voters blamed Trump for the Capitol riot. By December 2023, that number had fallen to just 37 percent. Fewer Americans blamed Trump, fewer thought it made him ineligible to lead, and, perhaps most tellingly, far fewer cared enough to remember it. When asked about their biggest memory of Trump’s first term, only 5 percent of Americans pointed to January 6. Among Republicans, it was a meager 2 percent. Pardon me while I laugh hysterically for a moment. Enten captured the sentiment perfectly: “Folks—fewer folks thought he was responsible… and more than that, as it went into the rear-view mirror, far fewer folks thought that it was their number one memory.” Simply put, the public has moved on. {snip} The bottom line? January 6 has become a historical footnote for most Americans, far from the game-changing issue Democrats envisioned. While they may have bet big on the riot defining Trump’s legacy, voters seem to have made up their minds: it’s time to move on. https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2025/01/06/wow-democrats-lost-the-capitol-riot-narrative-big-time-n4935726
  2. Along with 77 other million Americans. You need to self-reflect on your self destructive anger, We are doing fine. . Back to the thread:
  3. Actually he will be the Secretary of Defense.
  4. Certify this. .
  5. Exit Interviews By Democrats Show They're As Delusional As Ever Duane Patterson 2025 is already shaping up to be a pretty good political year. In 14 days, Democrats will not be in control of any branch of government. They will only control regime media, which is decreasing in viewership and influence by the day. Up north, if the scuttlebutt is true, Canada's long national nightmare might end today with the resignation of Justin "Baby Castro" Trudeau. And Labour's reign in the United Kingdom may be measured in Scaramucci's rather than years, because Keir Starmer has lost 49 points in approval, and that was before it turns out that as prosecutor in Pakistani sex and groomer gang cases, his conduct is being covered up. The Labour government is blocking an inquiry into his performance. Joe Biden continues to demonstrate the slide into mental decline is a steep grade. If his decline were a highway, it would need a special truck lane. On the Sunday shows, It was a mixture of a farewell tour of Democratic governance combined with newfound concern about deficit spending now that Republicans are going to be running things. But on Meet the Press with Kristen Welker, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was asked about his previous assurance of the President's mental acuity, and naturally weaseled his way around it. https://hotair.com/generalissimo/2025/01/06/exit-interviews-by-democrats-as-delusional-as-ever-n3798520
  6. But what would he know ? Another January to remember Cuba American Thinker, by Sylvia Canto Jr. Cuba became an independent country in 1902. You can divide the island’s history into two periods: the pre-Castro years and the current regime’s period in power since 1959. I was born in the last decade of pre-Castro Cuba. My story so typical of the other kids born in the 1950s. We were the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of immigrants from Spain or elsewhere. Our ancestors came to Cuba because it was a prosperous island, an attractive place for Spaniards seeking a better life, for Jewish refugees from Europe, hardworking Asians, and others. It was a young and vibrant country with hope and a future. In other words, the island of Cuba attracted people rather than driving its citizens away looking for a future. It is really sad to watch Cuba today, from energy blackouts to importing sugar. Let me repeat: importing sugar. As a result, the young escape and look for a better life, preferably in the U.S. The old get stuck behind. As I saw yesterday, Cuba is on track to have the oldest population in Latin America. It is even more painful when you realize that pre-Castro Cuba attracted thousands of immigrants from all over the world To wither is to shrivel, fade, decay, or lose the freshness of youth. Cuba is indeed withering today. So another January to remember the tragedy of Cuba and how much longer it will go on. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2025/01/another_january_to_remember_cuba.html
  7. Israel's Commando Strike on a 'Bombproof' Missile Factory Tells Tehran, 'You Can Run but You Can't Hide' A daring Israeli commando raid deep into Bashar Assad's Syria in early September not only destroyed an Iranian factory producing missiles for Hezbollah to shoot into Israel, it may have been a test of a concept that puts all of Iran's nuclear facilities at risk. On the night of September 8-9, a 120-man unit of elite Israeli Air Force Shaldag commandos in CH-53 attacked the underground factory in the Masyaf area of Syria, west of Hama, using a combination of landing and fast roping https://redstate.com/streiff/2025/01/05/israels-commando-strike-on-a-bombproof-missile-factory-tells-tehran-you-can-run-but-you-cant-hide-n2183986
  8. A Seattle, Washington, small business owner says she has “cried every day” about the closure of her restaurant due to the state’s new minimum wage hike to over $20 per hour. The Democrat-controlled city’s law increasing the minimum wage from $19.97 to $20.76 went into effect on the first day of 2025 “This was my dream. To own my own cafe, to run it how I want to, and to really, like, be in service to people,” she said in an interview, later adding that she has “cried every day” about it. According to Luckenbach, her breakfast eatery was already struggling due to inflation and lower foot traffic, and the new minimum wage requirements would have cost her an additional $32,000 each year. https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2025/01/04/seattle-restaurant-owner-cries-after-minimum-wage-hike-forces-her-close/
  9. Former DNC Fundraiser Says She’s Been Appointed to Trump Inaugural Committee: ‘I Am Done’ With Democrats by Rusty Weiss Lindy Li, a former major Democratic National Committee fundraiser, tells RedState she has been appointed to the Trump Vance Inaugural Committee. From raising funds for the resistance party to raising money for President-elect Trump's inauguration — the transformation appears to be complete. Li has been one of the most vocal critics of the Democrat Party following the election, particularly blasting the Harris campaign repeatedly for essentially setting close to $2 billion on fire and ending her campaign in significant debt. Now, she's excitedly revealed she "was just appointed to Trump’s inaugural committee!" https://redstate.com/rusty-weiss/2025/01/05/former-dnc-fundraiser-says-shes-been-appointed-to-trump-inaugural-committee-i-am-done-with-democrats-n2183967 .
  10. The end of the ‘Obama era’ has officially arrived — with a deep sense of betrayal among Dem voters by Julian Epstein You can smell it in the air. A deep sense of betrayal among Democratic voters. An underlying realization that the Democratic party’s politburo — Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, and their courtiers of elected official and consultant sycophants — sold voters a bill of goods: the gaslighting of the public on President Biden’s decrepitude; the false idol of the Kamala Harris “campaign of joy” as a smart last-minute stand-in; and the repeated cowering to the far left whose wokeness and moral condescension turns off most voters. In a just world, one might expect a formal no-confidence vote on this leadership failure. After all, this is the kind of recall we see with Western European heads of state, in House speakership races, and soon, in Canada. That recall may not happen, but the undeniable trouncing may signal the end of what we can call the Obama Era. Simply put, the Obama Era is characterized by a set of ideas and tactics directly linked to the Democrats’ loss. The first is the “Demography is Destiny” delusion — a kind of manifest destiny of the left, adopted in the second Obama term, that promises an ever-diversifying electorate would inexorably vote Democratic and must therefore be patronized with cartoonish appeals to identity and big government wardship. This proved to be not only deeply un-American but politically foolish. Upon taking office, Biden mandated race preferences and DEI rules across 90 different federal agencies — what leading race theorist Coleman Hughes refers to as the neo-racism of the left. Open borders were supposed to buy Hispanic votes. Green New Deal wars on oil and gas industries that most of the big players on the global stage would reject were supposed to buy young voters. Validating the rhetoric of pro-Hamas activists was supposed to buy votes in Dearborn and the anti-Israel and often antisemitic left. Democrats ignored all the polls warning against these identity politics which never had broad voter support — including among black and brown Americans. But it was too late to turn back. This post-modern religion had spawned the second pillar of the Obama Era: a new industry of NGOs, consultants, activist groups, foundations and donors, public unions, and the increasingly politicized state and city bureaucracies in Democratic-run cities underwritten with gobs of COVID-relief and federal taxpayer dollars. They were what writer Michael Lind refers to as the Shadow Government — for whom the liturgy of identity politics became the central organizing principle to expand organizational bloat, fundraise, and earn social credit scores within the party. The third pillar of the Obama Era is the massive cancel culture and accompanying online authoritarianism. https://nypost.com/2025/01/04/opinion/the-end-of-the-obama-era-has-officially-arrived/
  11. Puerto Rico’s New Governor Breaks Out the Trump Dance at Inaugural Ball by Rusty Weiss Jenniffer González-Colón, recently sworn in as Puerto Rico's 190th governor, was seen doing the 'Trump dance' during her inaugural ball. Ms. González-Colón, who previously served as Chair of the Puerto Rico Republican Party, was sworn into office on Thursday. Rep. Carlos Giménez uploaded a video of her and her husband, José Yovin Vargas, breaking out some dance moves at the next night's celebration. "Congratulations to my dear friend & colleague Governor Jenniffer González-Colón of #PuertoRico on her amazing inauguration!" Giménez captioned the clip. "We love her dance moves!" https://redstate.com/rusty-weiss/2025/01/04/watch-puerto-ricos-new-governor-breaks-out-the-trump-dance-at-inaugural-ball-n2183947#google_vignette .
  12. But he's an extremist ! Senate Democrats Open to Confirming RFK Jr. by Sean Moran Some Senate Democrats are reportedly open to confirming Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be the next Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, according to a report. The Hill reported that many sources state that Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and John Fetterman (D-PA) are considering backing Kennedy. The sources believe that the Democrats and Kennedy share concerns over how corporations heavily influence food and how processed American food is now. This comes as other Democrats have questioned Kennedy’s skepticism towards vaccines. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5066601-senate-democrats-consider-rfk-jr/? https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/01/04/report-senate-democrats-open-to-confirming-rfk-jr/
  13. Hilarious. . . . . . . . . and true.
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