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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. These four women destroyed the Democratic Party with race By Glenn K. Beaton Four young Congresswomen – not even Senators – accomplished something that eluded years of Democratic Presidents and their woes. Jimmy Carter in his malaise, Bill with Monica and his cigar, Lyndon Johnson and his Vietnam War – none of that was able to accomplish what these four young Congresswomen accomplished. They destroyed the Democratic Party. It was a perfect storm that began around the year 2020. China leaked a bioengineered virus from its biowarfare lab – probably accidentally – to produce worldwide mass hysteria and lockdowns of billions of people. It gathered steam when a thug died in the hands of a white cop. Protests and riots ensued, weirdly exempted from the lockdowns. At the time, the country was already weary of Donald Trump and his often productive but typically provocative antics. These four Congresswomen seized the moment. Never great fans of America, they seized that time of weakness to destroy her, or at least act out their anger at her. The death of the thug became emblematic of white police brutality. Never mind that this particular thug probably died of drugs, not a chokehold. Never mind that more Blacks die at the hands of Black police officers than at the hands of white ones. Never mind that the leading cause of death among young Black men is other young Black men. Never mind that the murder rate among Blacks is seven-times that of whites, and nearly all Black murders are at the hands of other Blacks. Led by these Congresswomen, the Left decided that sticking to those inconvenient facts was . . . RACIST! The narrative was more important than any dumb facts. To disagree with their false narrative or their false charge of racism served only to prove you’re a . . . RACIST! Your only salvation was confession, and then they might let you off easy with just a few hundred hours of DEI training. Oh yes, DEI. The Left’s long-standing reverse discrimination called “Affirmative Action” had failed, and their effort to sustain their failed discrimination was also failing. So, the Left did what they do when their policies fail: They rebranded it. (See, e.g., communism rebranded as socialism, rebranded as liberalism, rebranded as wokeism, rebranded as progressivism.) The new brand for “Affirmative Action” was “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.” This new brand was the same as the old brand, except, this time, it was coupled with brainwashing. You had to not only engage in reverse discrimination; you had to believe in it. You had to believe that the company (or college or whatever) was stronger if the guy down the hall had dark skin. The problem was that DEI, like Affirmative Action, tended to conflict with a meritocracy. But the DEI supremacists had a solution to that problem: Do away with merit. Merit became a code word for . . . RACIST! While we’re at it, they thought, let’s do away with sex. A nominee for the Supreme Court announced rather proudly that she could not define “woman.” That proved to be a slippery slope. Next thing we knew, people that everyone else defines as not women – you know, people with a Y chromosome, high testosterone levels, a penis and testicles – were calling themselves “women” and competing in women’s sports like swimming and even boxing. Unsurprisingly, in view of their testosterone levels and male musculature, they usually won. By a pool length or a knockout. At which time they joined the women in the showers. If you complained, you were the sex equivalent of . . . RACIST! You were alphabet-people-phobic. For that, you get another few hundred hours of DEI training, and then you get cancelled. No soup for you, and no career either. Two more things. Bear with me. MORE at the link: https://theaspenbeat.com/2025/01/11/these-four-women-destroyed-the-democratic-party-with-race/
  2. California Governor Gavin Newsom’s role in the horrific SoCal wildfires that have engulfed the state just got more damning. Newsweek on Friday uncovered explosive evidence that just months before devastating wildfires, which have so far killed at least ten people and destroyed countless homes, Newsom approved at least $101 million worth of cuts from seven “wildfire and forest resilience” programs. The reductions, which were part of last year’s state budget and signed by Newsom in June, included a $5 million decrease for CalFire on fuel reduction teams. These included revenue used to fund vegetation management work by the California National Guard. Do you think that additional money would have been useful, considering these wildfires are now the worst in American history? https://www.newsweek.com/gavin-newsom-cut-100m-fire-prevention-budget-before-california-fires-2012980 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/01/tomorrow-yikes-gavin-newsom-slashed-state-fire-budget/
  3. Tibs nears the bottom. Tiberius is going to repeat and repeat and repeat the same false theory that President Trump is crazy. Every thread. despite the fact that he started a specific (bonkers) thread to push it. Hell, he even changed his screen name of ten years to push it. Just let the poor man (?) rail and shout at the sky alone. Don't encourage him.
  4. Russia Was Not a Democratic Hoax The Russia hoax continues By Scott Johnson The Russia hoax was concocted by the Clinton campaign with attorney Marc Elias serving as a cutout. They undertook the hoax with the full knowledge and assistance of the Obama administration, including CIA Director John Brennan, Vice President Biden, and Obama himself. The underlying documents were handed off to the press and the FBI, whose senior leadership then sought to surveil, sting, and depose President Trump in the early days of his first administration. The true story of the hoax would give us a key to the secret history of our time. The FBI won’t give it up without a fight. Working with the RealClearInvestigations outlet of the RealClearPolitics lineup, Aaron Maté reports that in response to a Freedom of Information request filed in August 2022, the FBI released a heavily redacted copy of the document that opened the probe of Trump as an agent of the Russian government. The FBI produced the document on December 31, over two years after RCI submitted its FOIA request. Speaking of cutouts, we can hypothesize that the FBI needed the time carefully to apply its scissors to the sensitive material. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2025/01/the-russia-hoax-continues.php
  5. L.A.’s Total Leadership Failure The city slashed fire and other basic services after Mayor Karen Bass awarded fat contracts to government workers. By Steven Malanga The devastating wildfires in Los Angeles have spotlighted questionable state and local government policies in California that may have contributed to the blazes and left areas like Hollywood vulnerable due to insufficient firefighting resources. Mayor Karen Bass’s budget cuts to the city’s fire department, enacted just months ago amid warnings about the city’s deteriorating finances, stand out as a striking example of misplaced priorities. The cuts stemmed from a budget crisis triggered by her administration’s decision to reward city employees with rich contracts and benefits—even as it dismissed worries that the reductions would hurt services. “Predictions that city services will be impossible to deliver,” deputy mayor Zach Seidl told the press, “are simply false.” Few public statements have aged as poorly—or as hauntingly—as this one. {snip} “The city is living beyond its means,” the editorial board of the Los Angeles Times noted at the time, adding that the problem was “self-inflicted.” For Angelenos hoping the city would invest in infrastructure—“smoothing busted sidewalks, fixing burned-out streetlights, trimming trees, or any other public improvements”—those hopes seemed unlikely to be realized. Critics also faulted the administration for how it handled union negotiations that led to the budget-busting contracts. Most of the talks were conducted in secret, with little public discussion of the costly perks included in the agreements until they were finalized. California’s latest bout of horrific fires will reopen debate about the state government’s failures to address a deadly problem. California’s decades-long resistance to boosting its water-storage capacity—what Victor Davis Hanson has described as “the scorching of California”—will face new scrutiny. The state’s land-management practices, which incoming President Trump has already criticized, will provoke more controversy. Los Angeles’s water-management system, lambasted by former mayoral candidate Caruso—formerly a commissioner of the city’s Department of Water and Power—for running dry in some neighborhoods during the current fires, will require new investment. Questions will linger, too, over how much difference the $17.6 million cut by Mayor Bass from the city’s fire department might have made. What is beyond dispute is that Los Angeles and the surrounding area have a long history of wildfires, including in recent years. That threat didn’t seem to be much of a priority in Karen Bass’s budget. https://www.city-journal.org/article/la-mayor-karen-bass-budget-wildfires
  6. Fetterman hasn't abandoned his legislative priorities, but he has consistently approached his duties with a sense of representing the entire Pennsylvania electorate. Suddenly, that approach seems to spreading as the reverberations of a stinging presidential defeat continue. While some still plan to oppose Trump's agenda and nominees strenuously, the appetite among Democrats for La Resistance obstruction has waned considerably.
  7. More: Bureaucracy Kills: CA Requires Inspection for Out-of-State Firetrucks Before They Can Help Los Angeles Amy Curtis Of all the insane stories of government mismanagement and negligence this writer's seen coming out of Los Angeles this week, this one might just take the cake. It's not bad enough that Governor Gavin Newsom and Mayor Karen Bass neglected forestry management and water conservation for years, not bad enough Bass cut the fire department budget and jetted off to Ghana while her city burned, and not bad enough Newsom lies to the faces of Californians who have watched their world reduced to ash. On top of all of that, the state has to be a stickler for stupid rules when out-of-state fire departments come to render aid: .
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Non-lib media is evil. Lather, rinse, repeat. .
  9. No. This is just another attempt at diversion from your own poor attempts You have no real interest in honest replies. Your history demonstrates no respect for other posters facts, just derision. * I am sure the response to this will be just as shallow. Meanwhile: Liberalism is a mental disease.
  10. Wow ! He is completely out of ideas. Oh well, Back to the Inauguration thread. If what we’re hearing is believed, you might want to buy a neck brace - Trump will be entering the Oval Office at breakneck speed.
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