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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Yeah, but most not till 8am
  2. Imagine how inspiring that would have been for Blacks, Gays and immigrants , if she actually had been any good at her job and not a national punchline. Merit hiring not DEI .
  3. The reputation of the FBI and Intelligence community can't be any lower. Might as well release them now.
  4. As most intelligent people know, the number of actual white supremacists in the US wouldn't fill a high school gym. But you have nothing else, we know that. . NOW. . . . . . . back to the Trump 2nd term thread.
  5. Does Speaker Johnson get to overrule the democrats leaders and appoint the democrat reps of HIS choice ? (Asking for America) .
  6. Why won’t the ‘Nazi’ slur die? Elon Musk’s weird hand gestures were obviously not a fascist salute. Grow up. By Fraser Myers Elon Musk, the X owner and enthusiastic Trump-backer, has been accused of performing a ‘Nazi-style’ salute at a rally yesterday, following The Donald’s second inauguration. A video of Musk vigorously slapping his chest before thrusting his arm diagonally to the sky, with his palms facing down, has gone viral, sending ‘Resistance’ types into meltdown. For many Democrats and their media allies, Musk’s alleged ‘Roman salute’ has provided cast-iron proof of what they have suspected all along – namely, that Trump and his acolytes are card-carrying Nazis. Needless to say, Musk is not a Nazi, a fascist or a white supremacist, although he may well prove to be a liability to the Trump administration. It is clear Musk let his exuberance get ahead of him during yesterday’s rally. He entered the stage twirling like a giddy schoolchild and left it with both arms raised high in the air. Still, what many of the shorter clips didn’t show is that, just as he made that now infamous gesture, he can be heard saying: ‘My heart goes out to you!’ In context, it is abundantly clear what he meant when he took his hand from his chest and thrust it into the air. Besides, the content of Musk’s speech was fairly anodyne. He was mainly excited about the prospect of ‘safe cities’, ‘secure borders’ and ‘sensible spending’ under the new administration – not to mention Trump’s ambition, shared by Musk, to send Americans to Mars. No reasonable critic could think Musk’s speech would be likely to quicken the heart of a brownshirt. Of course, many of Trump and Musk’s most ardent critics are not remotely reasonable. They say we should discount what Trump and Musk say out loud and should look out for ‘dog whistles’ instead – that is, coded messages not intended for the masses, but for a specific audience of racists and fascists. https://www.spiked-online.com/2025/01/21/why-wont-the-nazi-slur-die/
  7. Mike Johnson Records JD Vance's First Time Seeing the Oval Office https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2025/01/22/mike-johnson-records-vp-jd-vances-first-time-seeing-the-oval-office-its-incredible-n2184666
  8. Another hoax attempt. Lord luv em, they keep trying. "Trump's inauguration ratings were low" And that is not including all of the other streaming platforms. So the irony of the leftist media being giddy about the low ratings on traditional media is hilarious. They’re giddy about their own demise. The death throes of the corrupt legacy media aren’t pretty but, Dear Lord, are they fun to watch. https://instapundit.com/697758/ .
  9. They are in the process of securing it. But you knew that you old straw grasper.
  10. And So the Liberal Media Meltdown Begins... Sarah Anderson One of the first things I do every morning before I start working is sort through the day's headlines from a couple of dozen different news sources to see what's going on in the world. For some reason, I let myself believe that the liberal media wouldn't start out this second Donald Trump term with breathless hysteria, reporting every time he so much as blinked, but here we are. Some things never change. Today, I was greeted by headlines about how imperialism will be the downfall of the United States, pictures of supposed "illegal immigrants" crying, outrage over the number of "white people" at the inauguration, outrage over the number of "wealthy people" at the inauguration, questions about whether Trump can actually do a number of the things he did on Monday, January 6 virtue signaling, and panic over any number of executive orders signed. There was also commentary about the first lady's outfit from Monday — "funeral wear" several called it, claiming she was subtly showing that she is just as upset about a second Trump term as the mainstream media is — and my favorite, the freaking out over Elon Musk making a "Nazi salute" because he dared raise his hand in the air in celebration. Where do I even start? I guess I'll start with Musk and what our own Robert Spencer called the "first leftist hysterical fit of the new Trump era." As Erick Erickson described it, "a socially awkward autistic billionaire goober did a big one-handed hug on a stage that PBS and some left-wing historians thought looked like a Nazi salute." Here's how PBS responded (your tax dollars at work!) Next up is everyone's favorite underperforming "news" network, MSNBC. If you think anyone on that channel learned their lesson about Trump coverage after the American people made their voices heard in November, you'd be wrong. These people are so beside themselves that I truly hope they have some kind of therapists on the payroll over there, though given the fact that they're hemorrhaging viewers as we speak, I doubt they can afford it. https://pjmedia.com/sarah-anderson/2025/01/21/and-so-the-liberal-media-meltdown-begins-n4936208
  11. Nice headline Cleveland ! "Certain" immigrants must mean "illegal immigrants. Ohio AG joins three other states in lawsuit to keep certain immigrants out of census counts WEWS-TV (Cleveland), by Susan Tebben Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has joined Ohio with three other states in a federal lawsuit seeking to keep certain immigrants from being counted in the U.S. Census including those in the country illegally and those with temporary visas. The case was filed in U.S. District Court on Jan. 17 and also includes the attorneys general from Louisiana, West Virginia and Kansas. [SNIP] “Including illegal aliens in the apportionment base is inconsistent with the text of the Fourteenth Amendment because illegal aliens and nonimmigrant aliens are not inhabitants of the states,” the attorneys general stated. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/state/ohio-ag-joins-three-other-states-in-lawsuit-to-keep-certain-immigrants-out-of-census-counts
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