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Tearing Down Hatred Where Hatred Doesn’t Exist MILT HARRIS It’s laughable that leftists believe that the “woke” culture is enlightened and inclusive. Everything they do eliminates and excludes. Take, for instance, their incessant, nonsensical removal of anything that even slightly offends their shallow, hyper-sensitive sensibilities. They seem especially troubled with the past and traditions, discarding the idea that our nation, though not perfect, has evolved and instead embracing the belief that everything about it was, is, and will forever be inherently bad. That is, unless we accept and follow their new world order, which will cleanse us of our ignorance. In reality, leftists' beliefs will cleanse us of nothing. In fact, they will deepen existing wounds, reopen ones that have healed, and create new deep ones that will take decades to heal. For a moment, consider their paradoxical view of equity. They pretend that DEI is focused on corporations, schools, etc., developing a more diverse workforce or student body, yet they base this diversity on skin color only. Equity to them is tied directly to diversity numbers and percentages, with merit having no bearing in the equation. So under those guidelines, how can true equity exist? As far as their idea of inclusion, it always translates to exclusion. They love to divide and conquer, moving seamlessly between villain and victim to accomplish their immediate goal. They point out imaginary injustices along the way to keep the fires of hatred burning. This keeps their woke minions in a frenzied state. A few of their favorites to attack are perceived stereotypes such as Native American names and symbols, as well as statues that supposedly represent something other than the history of our nation. Ironically, all leftists do is place storied and beloved names and places into a state of vanishing viability. Think about names such as the Washington Redskins or Cleveland Indians. These names were never meant as derogatory, yet the left campaigned, and the woke factor that had infiltrated the organizations used the chance to change the names. Now, those references to Native Americans are gone. Leftists have effectively eliminated any memories of that proud culture and replaced them with generic names that carry no significance. By doing this, they have eliminated Native Americans from the consciousness of American sports fans, and to what end? What have they changed? All they accomplished was a demonstration of their ignorance. The left’s failure to weigh intent, which is extremely important, never comes into play. It strives for change for the sake of change and the opportunity to advance its narrative. Another easy target of leftists is statues. These inanimate objects represent everything evil to those infected with the woke virus. They use these to become history revisionists instead of students of history. Many of the statues that are torn down depict slave owners, and that’s all the left can see. Like it or not, slave ownership was an accepted part of society in those times. The other accomplishments of these historical figures are ignored. What’s worse is that the left views the American public as being unable to separate the wheat from the chaff. Leftists believe that these statues need to be removed to whitewash history. Why? Because they don’t like what they represent and can’t trust the rest of America to feel the same, so rather than allow you to rationalize your own thoughts, they tear down the statues. https://pjmedia.com/miltharris/2024/01/08/tearing-down-hatred-where-hatred-doesnt-exist-n4925307 .
ANALYSIS: TRUE. Biden’s Campaign Doesn’t ‘Brief’ The Media, It Colludes With Them. Whatever the Biden campaign wants from the media, it will get. They’re always coordinating and strategizing according to Democrats’ preferences. A short item this week on the news site Semafor had an interesting way of describing the existing dynamic between the national news media and Joe Biden’s angry reelection campaign. It said Biden’s team has “begun organizing a series of off-the-record trips for top political reporters and editors” to meet up at campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, for the purpose of “background briefings on campaign strategy.” I’d like to think that the person who authored the article is just hopelessly naive, but it’s Ben Smith, who has been running in these circles for what feels like three lifetimes. So he certainly knows that contrary to his depiction, these aren’t boring scenes where curious reporters show up to get a rundown of Biden’s campaign schedule and themes. That’s not what happens. What happens is the nation’s most influential media outlets send representatives to a Democrat candidate’s facilities — in this case, Biden’s campaign headquarters — to coordinate what their coming “news coverage” should look like, according to the Democrat’s needs and preferences. Thusly, Smith wrote that in these recent meetings, “Campaign officials have chafed at some of the coverage of former President Donald Trump, feeling that outlets are too focused on his legal troubles and haven’t paid enough attention to some of his incendiary recent statements on the campaign trail.” https://thefederalist.com/2024/01/09/bidens-campaign-doesnt-brief-the-media-it-colludes-with-them/ .
What is better, no guns, or more guns?
B-Man replied to Security's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It's odd (well, not really) That they don't even consider that 100% of gun owners would want this man prosecuted for breaking the law and murdering a fellow human being. Nope. Let's blame the gun, because we can't think for ourselves. . -
Back to the thread. German Farmers Sowing Some Discontent BEEGE WELBORN on January 08, 2024 This has been festering for a while – ever since the Greens outsmarted themselves by trying to roll over COVID emergency funds into the the regular budget. But with the ruling from the German Supreme Court on November 15th that Greens could no longer constitutionally touch that €60M they’d already worked into that very same budget, some mad slicing and dicing went on among the 3 disparate parties that make up Olaf Scholz’s warring coalition. As I said at the time, everything the Germans touched was coming up fahrvergnügies. Unfortunately, good portion of those funds had gone for subsidies to keep German peasants and businesses if not exactly happy about the skyrocketing utility costs of their collective forced march to a Green transition, at least it helped take some of the sting out of it. Worse, the European Union was piling on by applying pressure to stop paying subsidies completely – just throw the populace at large into the wonder of living in a renewable nirvana in one fell, painful swoop. Brussels is pretty convinced the peasants will get over it when they don’t have a choice. Long Read: https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2024/01/08/german-farmers-sowing-some-discontent-n603518 Too long for some. /
No. He doesn't really. .
Risky Questions: Are Most 'Trans Kids' Really Just Gay? JAZZ SHAW At Townhall, Jeff Davidson asks the question that will still probably get you thrown off of some social media platforms and canceled in impolite leftist society. But it’s one that has been raised before, including among less politically driven medical professionals. To listen to all of the activists and read the figures being tossed around, you could easily be led to believe that we are in the midst of a pandemic of gender dysphoria cases around the country and much of the Western world, particularly among youths. Young people are “coming out” and “identifying” as the opposite sex, nonbinary, genderqueer, or whatever the flavor of the week is at the moment. How is this spreading so quickly when actual, diagnosed cases of gender dysphoria were as rare as hen’s teeth barely a decade ago? What if most of these young people aren’t actually gender dysphoric at all? What if the majority of them are just gay and they either haven’t realized it yet or haven’t come to terms with it? A new study in the Wall Street Journal demonstrates that many responsible doctors believe that to be the case. https://townhall.com/columnists/jeffdavidson/2024/01/07/are-most-children-with-gender-dysphoria-gay-and-not-transgender-candidates-n2633284 https://www.wsj.com/articles/most-transgender-kids-turn-out-to-be-gay-gender-affirming-care-conversion-therapy-58111b2e https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/01/08/risky-questions-are-most-trans-kids-really-just-gay-n603618
Lefties are mentally disturbed and must be stopped.
B-Man replied to Unforgiven's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The Left is afraid. . . . . . . . . and it shows. You and I Live in a Different Universe Than Democrats DAVID STROM To a certain extent, everybody in the modern world lives in a bubble. With so many choices in the infosphere it is at least somewhat possible to hear and read what you want to, and never be exposed to what people outside your bubble think. It is, however, pretty difficult for conservatives to completely avoid what liberals are saying–90% plus of the cultural output in our country–entertainment, news, the magazines at the checkout line, celebrities…pretty much everything is produced by liberals or Leftists, so most of us have a pretty good idea what liberals think. This is why study after study shows that conservatives have a more accurate view of the world than liberals–they generally get their information from more diverse sources and hence get at least a somewhat more rounded view of the world. Sure, some people only read Reddit threads or watch Fox, but the vast majority of conservatives actually have a pretty good idea of what liberals think because we can’t avoid hearing about it. I have written about this phenomenon before, and it’s not just my impression. The Skeptic Research Center has done several studies on how accurate perceptions of the world are, and their findings are robust: the more you trust the media, the less accurate your view of the world; the more liberal you are, the less you understand your political opponents and the less likely your perception of the real state of the world is correct. What I am certain of is that liberals are much more likely to exist in an artificial bubble because it is difficult not to live in a liberal bubble. Unless you seek out divergent viewpoints, you will likely never see them if you are a liberal. Read the New York Times or the WaPo, catch the nightly news, and watch a late-night TV show. A consistent narrative is pushed at you, and any divergent information you see seems insane. This is how you get idiocy like this: In liberals’ minds, Trump is self-evidently a fascist. The media tells them so. The president tells them so. Their political representatives tell them so. Their friends tell them so. The simple fact that Trump was president for a term and followed the courts’ orders–unlike, say, Joe Biden–didn’t persecute his political opponents, didn’t shut down the MSM, didn’t prosecute his political enemies, or try to throw anybody off the ballot. None of that matters at all. {snip} I do know conservatives who live in a bubble, and it is a very unhealthy thing. But for most of us, it is almost impossible to accomplish because we have to work and be exposed to the miasma of Leftist propaganda. I guarantee you that the average Leftist doesn’t read conservative media at all, and dismisses anything we say as propaganda. ( THIS is why I post -- B-Man) This is why the Left engages in all these moral panics or keeps buying what to you and me seems like ridiculous propaganda. It is all they hear. It’s not that they are stupid–some of the smartest people I know think that there are hunting parties out right now killing transgender people every day–it’s that they live in a world where the propaganda is unrelenting and unchallenged. As many of you know, I am more a critic than an admirer of Trump. He was a good president until 2020 and COVID, but his personality grates and he is terrible at hiring people. I could provide a long list of things I dislike about him. But he is no threat to the country or democracy. He did more to get the US back on track in 3 years than any president since Reagan. That is a huge compliment from me. But for the Left, all they see is what the media wants them to see. Trump is a threat. A fascist. An insurrectionist. Whatever. And it’s all because they live in an alternate universe where White Supremacists hunt Blacks and gays, and Leftists are saving lives by sterilizing and mutilating children. It’s a dark and scary universe they live in, and they are trying to drag us into it with them. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/01/09/you-and-i-live-in-a-different-universe-than-democrats-n603696 . -
BLAME THE BUS COMPANY! Liberals love to blame inanimate objects for their own policy failures. Guns are responsible for homicides; Hyundais and Kias are responsible for being stolen; and now, bus companies are responsible for New York City’s illegal immigrant crisis. The New York Post reports: [Mayor Adams’] latest gimmick is to sue bus companies bringing migrants from Texas. In announcing the lawsuit Thursday, Adams slammed what he called Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s “reckless political ploys” of sending migrants north. I have never seen a liberal northern mayor try to explain why the almost unbelievable costs of illegal immigration should be borne only by border cities and states. But what about Adams’ lawsuit? A normal person might think that the bus companies didn’t cause the problem: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/01/blame-the-bus-company.php .
Biden's Foreign Policy Already GettING Results
B-Man replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Congress must end Biden’s Iran appeasement before it’s too late By Richard Goldberg President Biden’s three years of appeasing Iran has brought the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism closer than ever to developing a nuclear weapon. While most Americans were on winter break, the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog reported that Iran had tripled its production rate of near-weapons-grade nuclear fuel — 60%-high-enriched uranium — with a stockpile large enough to potentially produce one nuclear bomb in a week or six bombs in a month. On Monday, former UN weapons inspector David Albright assessed Tehran could build a few crude weapons to marry with this nuclear material, mostly in secret, in just six months. How did we get here? By the end of 2020, Iran was down to just $4 billion in accessible foreign-exchange reserves due to the Trump administration’s imposition of maximum economic pressure on Tehran. The regime’s terror mastermind, Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani, had been killed in a US drone strike. The godfather of its nuclear-weapons program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, had been assassinated (likely by Israel). Nuclear-weapons scientists were being put on US sanctions lists while the president spoke openly about considering military strikes inside Iran. Tehran’s nuclear-escalation curve had been flattened for months. But Biden and his closest aides, like horses wearing ideological blinders, could not accept a strategy that was successfully containing, if not destabilizing, one of America’s greatest adversaries. Biden pledged to restore the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal that effectively offered Tehran hundreds of billions of dollars to merely delay its nuclear breakout by a few years. https://nypost.com/2024/01/08/opinion/with-tehran-closer-to-nukes-congress-must-end-bidens-iran-appeasement-before-its-too-late/ -
Anti-Israel Protesters Blocking Three NYC Bridges and Holland Tunnel. https://legalinsurrection.com/2024/01/anti-israel-protesters-blocking-three-nyc-bridges-and-holland-tunel/ ‘Free Gaza’: Anti-Israel Protesters Vandalize Los Angeles National Cemetery. The stupid won’t stop till we do. And until we do, authorities are complicit in their malfeasance. https://legalinsurrection.com/2024/01/free-gaza-anti-israel-protesters-vandalize-los-angeles-national-cemetery/ .
GOOD. FIGHT BACK: German Farmers Kick Off Massive Protests Against Policy That Could Threaten Their Livelihoods. German farmers began a week of protest against the government on Monday to push back against subsidy cuts that they say could put them out of business, according to The Associated Press. Large convoys of trucks and tractors lined streets all over the country on Monday morning, including in the street leading to Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, as farmers are standing up to the liberal-green coalition government for its moves to phase out tax breaks for agricultural vehicles and diesel fuel, according to the AP. Farmers are enraged that the government is looking to eliminate the subsidies, a decision which they say would threaten their ability to remain in business. Germany has spent vast sums of money to facilitate a green energy transition, but the country is still on track to miss its climate targets. Officials also moved to shut down the country’s remaining nuclear plants in April 2023 amid concerns about the long-term adequacy of energy supply, while its gross domestic product is thought to have shrunk in 2023 and expected to show weak growth in 2024, according to International Politics and Society. Environment and Energy Minister Robert Habeck warned in June that Germany may have no choice but to deliberately diminish its industrial capacity if its current natural gas deal with Russia expires in 2024 without a replacement in place. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action did not respond immediately to requests for comment. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/08/german-farmers-kick-off-massive-protests-against-policy-that-could-threaten-their-livelihoods/
The American Media Should Not Be Trusted
B-Man replied to SCBills's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
#JOURNALISM: When did it become okay for the Wall Street Journal to accuse Elon Musk of using LSD and cocaine without evidence? On Saturday, apparently. On Saturday night, The Wall Street Journal stunningly alleged that Elon Musk: has used LSD, cocaine, ecstasy and psychedelic mushrooms, often at private parties around the world… In 2018, for example, he took multiple tabs of acid at a party he hosted in Los Angeles. These accusations are deeply serious. People caught with even small amounts of cocaine or LSD can face felony charges. And Musk is not merely the world’s wealthiest person, he’s its most powerful private citizen, thanks to his control of X and the Starlink satellite network. I read the article with interest, wondering what sources the Journal had relied on to learn Musk “often” used controlled substances. Had someone gone on the record? Had its reporters found a sworn statement, like a deposition from someone who’d provided Musk with drugs? Perhaps they’d seen photos? 2,500 words later, I had my answer on the Journal’s sources: None. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/when-did-it-become-okay-for-the-wall? -
Feds Fold Like a Cheap Suit, William Penn Statue Will Not Be Removed Illustrating what a rolling disaster the Biden administration is, the executive-branch-controlled National Park Service decided it'd be a great idea to remove the William Penn statue that stands on the grounds of the founder of Pennsylvania's historic home. Why? Because "equity and inclusion," of course. You see, "Welcome Park," the site of Penn's historic home didn't give enough representation to Native Americans, and the federal government decided the best course of action would be to remove his statue completely and turn the place into a woke shrine. No doubt, the fact that Penn owned slaves was also a major factor in trying to erase his existence https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/01/08/feds-fold-like-a-cheap-suit-william-penn-statue-will-not-be-removed-n2168457 .
Biden Administration Improperly Tried Ex-Congressman, Conviction Tossed MATT MARGOLIS A federal appeals court has overturned the conviction of a former Republican congressman. And you won't be surprised as to why. Former Rep. Jeff Fortenberry’s (R-Neb.) was convicted of lying to the FBI about an illegal campaign contribution last year. The alleged false statements were made during interviews in Nebraska and Washington, D.C. But the Biden administration tried him in Los Angeles. “Fortenberry’s trial took place in a state where no charged crime was committed, and before a jury drawn from the vicinage of the federal agencies that investigated the defendant,” U.S. District Judge James Donato wrote in his ruling. “The Constitution does not permit this. Fortenberry’s convictions are reversed so that he may be retried, if at all, in a proper venue." Fortenberry received two years of probation, a $25,000 fine, and more than 300 hours of community service as a result of his conviction. “We are gratified by the Ninth Circuit’s decision. Celeste and I would like to thank everyone who has stood by us and supported us with their kindness and friendship,” Fortenberry told The Hill in a statement. More from The Hill: https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4377688-appeals-court-wipes-conviction-ex-congressman/ https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/01/07/biden-admin-improperly-tried-ex-congressman-conviction-tossed-n4925276
The American Media Should Not Be Trusted
B-Man replied to SCBills's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Lets keep that message uniform. -
Yep. .
The American Media Should Not Be Trusted
B-Man replied to SCBills's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Biden recalls attending funerals of cops killed on Jan 6 – crickets from ‘fact checkers’ by Chris Donaldson President Joe Biden delivered his big speech to mark the third anniversary of the January 6, 2021 chaos at the Capitol and as the teller of tall tales is prone to do, he embellished a key detail. On Friday, the octogenarian demagogue uncorked his ugly rant for a small crowd near historic Valley Forge, PA, a location chosen for its Revolutionary War connection at a time when his regime is persecuting GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump and his supporters like England’s King George once did to American patriots. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2024/01/07/biden-recalls-attending-funerals-of-cops-killed-on-jan-6-crickets-from-fact-checkers-1425574/ .