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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Back to the thread. HE’S A LIAR.
  2. French Farmers Tighten Their Grip on Paris – Revolt Spreads to Belgium" Now this is what should be happening everywhere. Not just a protest, but they're expanding it. They've got food and water, they're working together to provide what their group needs, it's everybody else who needs productive farms and the rulers are preventing that from happening. What are they going to do, arrest the farmers and find someone else who has the slightest clue how this works? Before planting season? If they really have shut down Paris, that's more of a revolutionary mindset than I'd expected, and it's very nice to hear. Especially with it spreading to Belgium, the heart of the EU. Basically everyone in Brussels is in the ruling class or works directly for them, so Paris having these problems must be very frightening. I'm just being pessimistic in saying this won't go anywhere, but I certainly hope to be proven wrong. The EU already has problems with its servants disagreeing with them about Ukraine and all the other economic problems. More than anyone else, Europe knows that if the US isn't there to help, they're totally on their own.
  3. Biden is a fool, in every sense of the term.
  4. Not hard enough. They are fighting on behalf of the American people not this administration or any administration.
  5. The Biden Administration lied ?? Who'd a thunk it ? Did We Stop Funding UNRWA? Nope JAZZ SHAW The latest example comes on the heels of the explosive revelations that at least a dozen members of the United Nations’ Palestinian relief agency, the UNRWA, took part in the Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7. In response, the White House claimed that they had reinstituted a freeze on funding for the UNRWA that had already been in place under Trump but was lifted by Joe Biden. That seemed like a step in the right direction at the time, but now we’ve learned that a very important detail was left out of the announcement. As Guy Benson reports at Townhall, the “freeze” in funding only applies to new, additional funding requests. Previously approved funds will continue to flow to them as usual. https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/01/30/did-we-stop-funding-unrwa-nope-n608381 .
  6. Full transparency, Kurt Russell is not a conservative, as far as we understand it, he is a libertarian. That being said, we love it when someone in Hollywood surprises people ... and you can tell this interview on gun control surprised the 'writer'. https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/01/30/kurt-russell-guns-n2392341
  7. House Democrat Under Investigation CONFIRMED as Squad Member Cori Bush https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/01/30/cori-bush-under-investigation-n2392350 .
  8. Former President Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (4th time) By Mike Miller | January 30, 2024 https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2024/01/30/trump-nominated-for-nobel-peace-prize-the-reason-will-set-democrats-hair-on-fire-n2169403
  9. DON SURBER: Democrats and RINOs desperately try to wipe the open borders off their shoes. Turning the border against Trump https://donsurber.substack.com/p/turning-the-border-against-trump?
  10. E. Jean Carroll Delivered the Sound Bite That Could Win Trump the Election https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/01/29/e-jean-carroll-delivered-a-huge-in-kind-contribution-to-trump-during-her-msnbc-interview-n2634353
  11. Soros Dumping a Fortune Into Texas, Funding Operatives with One Goal in Mind The Western Journal, by Joe Saunders George Soros is striking again. The progressive billionaire — who has poured a fortune into electing prosecutors who have destroyed criminal justice systems across the United States — is turning his attention to Texas, according to a Fox News report. And the first Mexican-born woman to serve in the U.S. House has a warning about why Soros is doing it. With President Joe Biden’s disastrous open-border policy failure to win over Hispanic voters — a failure reflected in Biden’s polling numbers — Soros is putting new millions into a state Democrats are trying to flip to their control. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/ap-soros-dumping-fortune-texas-funding-operatives-one/ .
  12. Because. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . who's going to come out to see Joe ? Biden Campaign Reportedly Planning Event with Obama and Clinton for ‘All Hands on Deck’ Effort to Beat Trump by Cassandra MacDonald The campaign team hopes that the first-of-its-kind event will energize voters who are currently not enthusiastic to vote for Joe Biden. NBC News reports that they spoke to four people “familiar with the discussions” and that it will likely take place in March or April. “The plan underscores the belief among Biden allies that the party needs an all-hands-on-deck approach to help him win a second term,” the report explained. “It’s also just one in a growing list of ways that Democratic leaders, and the Biden campaign, are gearing up for a general election they view as having the highest of stakes. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/biden-campaign-reportedly-planning-event-obama-clinton-all/ .
  13. Janet Yellen Throws Biden Under the Bus With Astounding Comment Destroying His Claims About Inflation by Nick Arama So many people have been crushed under the bootheel of "Bidenomics" and Bidenflation for so long. It's one of the main reasons Joe Biden's numbers are in the basement in terms of approval, particularly when it comes to the economy. First, the Biden team denied the reality of the crushing inflation, calling it "transitory." Then they claimed it wasn't Joe Biden's fault, despite his excessive spending. They blamed it on Russia and greedy corporations, among others. Now Biden has been saying prices are coming down and claiming credit, even though prices are still up more than when he came in. That's the shtick he's been rolling out at campaign events now. The problem, of course, the American people know how his words don't match up with how much more is still going out of their pockets each month for things like food and other essentials. Biden is trying to sell us on this fiction of how much he's doing to change what he broke, and no one believes him because he doesn't even understand the problem. Or he does and he just wants to spin us. But now, Treasury Janet Yellen just threw him under the bus with what she had to say about inflation. She was being interviewed by ABC when she was asked how she would convince people that prices might not go back to what they were before the pandemic. This is an astounding statement, especially in light of what Biden keeps saying now. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2024/01/29/yellen-inflation-comments-n2169361 .
  14. Report: Feds Plan to Make Trucker Convoy Another “Insurrection” by M. Dowling Lara Logan wrote on X that the truckers should be very concerned. “Be aware – numerous sources indicate the federal govt is planning to try make this another fake “insurrection” and go after people in the convoy the same way they targeted people for exercising their constitutional rights on January 6th.. They are already tracing and tracking people through their phones, iPads etc.” Tucker spoke with one of the convoy’s leaders, Dr. Pete Chambers and Ken Paxton. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Texas will not give up, and he’s unsure what the federal government expects Texas to do. https://www.independentsentinel.com/report-feds-plan-to-make-trucker-convoy-another-insurrection/ .
  15. Only 53 more shopping days left until the “Walls are Closing” first anniversary. it’s exciting ! .
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