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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. It’s Thursday, February 1st, and the president is currently wandering around Michigan saying weird stuff again. He's like an escaped nursing home patient. I'm not an expert on senility, but I suspect a common symptom is a person continually saying the same incoherent things over and over. How many times has Biden delivered that line about deer in Kevlar vests? Or said that his son died in Iraq? Or claimed he was told as vice president by an Amtrak conductor who retired in 1993 that he road over a million miles? And how many times has Biden randomly shouted at someone during a public appearance, "Don't jump?" It's such an odd thing to keep saying. In this case, the people he's speaking to are seated in a booth. Does he think they are going to climb on the table and swan dive a daunting three feet? Besides, isn't making jokes about suicide something a president should probably refrain from? Things didn't get any better when Biden showed up at an event to proclaim his support for unions. Then there's what I like to call Biden's "Forrest Gump syndrome," referring to his penchant to place himself at the center of any situation, no matter how absurd. One day, the ostensibly Catholic Biden will say he went to a black church growing up and helped spawn the Civil Rights movement. The next, he will say he went to synagogue. He'll tell you he worked as a truck driver and was an all-star football player in his spare time. Of course, none of that is true, but that hasn't stopped Biden from making the claims. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/02/01/joe-biden-is-wandering-around-michigan-saying-weird-stuff-again-n2169523
  2. I'm with James Woods.
  3. Joe Biden: Israel Has the Right to Defend Itself, but I Really Need to Win in Michigan DUANE PATTERSON https://hotair.com/generalissimo/2024/02/01/joe-biden-israel-has-the-right-to-defend-itself-but-i-really-need-to-win-in-michigan-n608825 .
  4. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen offered a rare moment of Biden administration transparency on the economy this week. “Well, I think most Americans know that prices are not likely to fall,” Yellin told ABC News on Sunday. “It’s not the Fed’s objective to try to push the level of prices back to where they were.” And with that, the cat was out of the proverbial bag. This key admission came just as Team Biden is once again trying to revise its economic message with President Joe Biden’s job approval numbers nearly in historically bad territory. If ever there was a time for a political reset, this is it. But the messaging wizards seem to have failed the president when it comes to selling his economic record to what is an unhappy and unconvinced electorate. The problem is, when it comes to their own personal economies, voters know better. As prices began to skyrocket shortly after passage of the “American Rescue Plan,” people didn’t buy the administration’s first narrative that “inflation is only transitory.” As support for Biden’s economic policies nosedived, the White House messaging team, inexplicably, created “Bidenomics.” I suppose they believed that a catchy marketing term would persuade “uninformed” voters that the economy was improving and life under Biden was good, if not great. But again Biden’s numbers didn’t improve. After pressure from congressional Democrats to drop the “Bidenomics” slogan, it disappeared briefly from the White House’s lexicon, but with nothing else to sell, it wasn’t long before Bidenomics 2.0 appeared on the scene with a new and improved focus — democracy and taxes — and rumbles that the White House thinks the way to win the economic issue now is to contrast Bidenomics with so-called “Trumpenomics.” Biden and his team don’t seem to understand the significant and potentially insurmountable disconnect that exists between the president’s economic message and what the American people believe — and why they believe what they do. The answer can be found in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ numbers. The Biden administration likes to tout its success in getting inflation down to under 4 percent for seven consecutive months. But when he came into office, inflation was at 1.4 percent in January 2021, and had been under 3 percent for 109 consecutive months. So even at the current levels, down from the highs of summer 2022, the Biden administration has not yet matched prior presidents’ inflation levels going back almost a decade, spanning Donald Trump’s entire presidency and the majority of President Barack Obama’s tenure. https://rollcall.com/2024/01/31/bad-news-for-biden-on-inflation-voters-have-long-memories/
  5. SCENES FROM WEIMAR AMERICA: Montana Parents Lose Custody of Daughter for Opposing Her Gender Transition. When the gender issue began to become inflamed by activists a few years ago, we were assured that the following scenario would never happen. We were told that anyone who believed a children and family services agency in any state could swoop in and with little or no cause remove a minor child from their parent's custody because the parents opposed their child "transitioning" was paranoid. It happened in Montana. Krista and Todd Kolstad's daughter Jennifer (not her real name) was suffering from numerous mental health conditions, including a desire to engage in attention-seeking behavior. This is normal for a teen suffering from gender dysphoria. https://pjmedia.com/rick-moran/2024/01/31/montana-parents-lose-custody-of-daughter-for-opposing-her-gender-transition-n4925985#google_vignette .
  6. Judge dismisses Disney’s lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his allies A US judge has dismissed Disney’s lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his political allies, including the board he appointed to oversee Disney’s property in Florida. The judge’s ruling is a win for the governor’s escalating legal battle with the entertainment giant. The lawsuit, which was filed by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts in April, accused DeSantis of weaponizing his political power to punish the company for exercising its right to free speech. However, on Wednesday, a federal judge in Florida ruled that Disney lacked standing to sue DeSantis and that the company’s claims against the governor’s oversight board fail on merit. The judge determined that Disney had not “alleged any specific actions the new board took (or will take) because of the Governor’s alleged control.” In a statement to CNN, a Disney spokesperson said the company was not deterred by the ruling and planned to “press forward” with its case. “This is an important case with serious implications for the rule of law, and it will not end here,” the spokesperson said. “If left unchallenged, this would set a dangerous precedent and give license to states to weaponize their official powers to punish the expression of political viewpoints they disagree with. We are determined to press forward with our case.” https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/31/business/judge-dismisses-disneys-lawsuit-against-desantis/index.html .
  7. More "results" Must be an election year.
  8. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” —Franklin D. Roosevelt at his first inaugural, 1933. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." —Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall, 1987. "If we can but prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy." —Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1802. “When one side only of a story is heard and often repeated, the human mind becomes impressed with it insensibly.” —George Washington, letter to Edmund Pendleton, 1795. "Our friend Elmo is right." —Joseph R. Biden, addressing the users of Twitter/X, 2024. If were were watching "Sesame Street" together, this is when the cast would start singing, "One of these things is not like the other..." Presidentish Joe Biden's social media people thought it wise on Tuesday to jump into the Great Elmo Controversy of 2024. You remember, Elmo, don't you? He's the squeaky-voiced young Muppet who likes to be tickled and learn gentle life lessons. https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2024/01/31/joe-biden-just-entered-the-presidential-quotes-hall-of-fame-really-n4926000
  9. CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: South Dakota Lawmakers Push To Protect Gun Owners’ Rights. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/south-dakota-lawmakers-push-to-protect-gun-owners-rights/
  10. No They did not. And you expose your ignorance when you keep stating it. The majority of the Supreme Court overturned the poorly reasoned Roe v. Wade decision. and sent the legality of abortion back to the individual states to decide. . ADDED: You also have very clumsily forgotten the huge number of women who are against unlimited abortion. .
  11. Business Partners Of Fani Willis’ Alleged Lover Bankrolled Her Campaign. She Gave Them Lucrative Contracts. My friend adds: “Oh, this is cascading. And I’m only sending you the stuff that’s already public. You’d be amazed what unsubstantiated rumors are flying around among the local bar.” Well, let’s see how many of them turn out to be true. by Glenn Reynolds https://dailycaller.com/2024/01/31/fani-willis-nathan-wade-law-contract-donations/
  12. A few days ago, @RNCResearch provided this update about President Biden's "priorities" since the toxic train derailment disaster in East Palestine, Ohio: About one year later and with an approval rating that remains historically low, guess where the White House is going to have Biden go: Must be an election year https://twitchy.com/dougp/2024/01/31/hey-look-where-bidens-finally-going-n2392381
  13. Iconic Female Surfer Booted in Favor of Fake Woman DAVID STROM Unbelievable. Freaking insane. Bethany Hamilton is an icon not just for being talented, but for being a survivor and a role model for young girls and anybody who has faced what seemed to be an insurmountable challenge. She had her arm taken off by a shark, and was back to surfing in a month and has been competing for decades since. What brand wouldn’t want to be tied at the hip to her? She is a star athlete, has a tremendous and inspiring story, is mind-bogglingly famous, and well-loved. Rip Curl, that’s who. Because Bethany thinks that women’s sports should be for women. And that makes her Nazi-adjacent, apparently. So, who did Rip Curl replace Hamilton with as one of their icons? Sasha Lowerson, a female-identifying man who is now allowed to compete against women because the powers that be decided to go completely woke. Rip Curl’s decision seems to be costing them a lot of goodwill, and they are facing what appears to be a mounting Bud Light-style backlash. If there is any justice in the world, it will be much worse than that because Bud Light only insulted its customers–Rip Curl lashed out at somebody who represented them for decades because they wanted to virtue signal. {snip} I can’t stress enough how much worse this is than the Bud Light fiasco, in my eyes. Bud Light was merely insulting its customers by making fun of them and their values. They deserved to get smacked down because they were disrespecting their customers. Rip Curl, though, is taking aim at fundamental values that strike much deeper than a demographic. Hamilton represents grit, determination, skill, and aspiration to achieve; Sasha Lowerson represents the opposite: a sad, pathetic and deluded man pushing women out of their spaces to steal their glory. Lowerson isn’t living his truth; he is stealing the truth of others who have so much more to give. He is a pathetic and self-indulgent figure, and Rip Curl elevated him over a truly great woman. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/01/30/infuriating-iconic-female-surfer-booted-in-favor-of-fake-woman-n608446
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