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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Washington State Misappropriated $340 Million in COVID Relief Funds for Illegal Alien Giveaways Washington state used hundreds of millions of federal COVID relief funds to provide giveaways to the state's illegal immigrant population, a new report has concluded. In April 2021, the state legislature approved $340 million in funding as part of the Immigrant Relief Fund that, according to its annual report, was designed to provide "targeted community engagement, communications development efforts, and trusted messengers to encourage eligible community members to apply." However, what has only just emerged was that the money for that program came from the federally approved American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which provided $350 billion for local governments “to support their response to and recovery from the COVID-19 public health emergency.” The Economic Policy Innovation Center explained in its latest report: https://redstate.com/benkew/2024/02/04/washington-state-misappropriated-340-million-in-covid-relief-fund-for-illegal-alien-giveaways-n2169623 .
  2. ROGER KIMBALL: Biden’s action in Iraq and Syria is merely delayed reaction. What do you think of the apothegm “Better late than never?” I think it is often dubious. For confirmation, I adduce the airstrike the Biden administration just conducted against eighty-five targets in Iraq and Syria. The attacks, against infrastructure associated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, are billed as the opening salvo in response to last week’s drone attack by Iranian assets in Jordan that left three Americans dead and more than forty injured. Taking a page from an earlier, square-jawed time, officials from the administration tersely commented that America’s “multi-tiered” response would continue at a “time and in a manner of our choosing.” Spoken like a real administration. I wonder from what storeroom they got the script? Memo to the memo writers: if you are going to conduct a a military campaign, it’s generally advantageous to avoid telling your adversary when you are planning to strike. The Biden administration forgot that detail — or perhaps they were worried about causing too much damage to Iranian assets. For several days leading up to yesterday’s strike, the administration reported that a strike was in the works and that it would take place in just a couple of days. As it did. Wasn’t it kind of Joe to tell the Iranians when he was planning to strike? In fact, he has been the soul of courtesy, for he has also said that America would not be striking Iran itself. https://thespectator.com/topic/joe-biden-action-iraq-syria-delayed/ .
  3. Your Sunday Clarice. The Democrats Create an Alice in the Looking Glass World American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman Like Alice dropped into an illogical world, I’m looking at the past week and seeing a chaotic, topsy-turvy, irrational series of policies, events, and outcomes. There are many possible examples to choose from. I’ve chosen four: The open border, the inexplicable disparities in the handling of crimes by Democratic district attorneys, the Administration’s song and dance with Iran and UNRWA, and China, and there’s a degree of overlap in some of these. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/02/the_democrats_create_an_alice_in_the_looking_glass_world.html
  4. Three years later, Jan 6. pipe bomber mystery still unsolved https://www.sierradailynews.com/politics/three-years-later-jan-6-pipe-bomber-mystery-still-unsolved/
  5. ‘The War On Children’ Documentary "Far left activists will stop at nothing to indoctrinate them, sexualize them..." By Frank Camp https://www.dailywire.com/news/robby-starbuck-announces-release-of-the-war-on-children-documentary
  6. Democrat Party Identification Hits New Low Political independents continue to constitute the largest political bloc in the U.S., with an average of 43% of U.S. adults identifying this way in 2023, tying the record high from 2014. Independent identification has been 40% or higher each year since 2011, except for the 2016 (39%) and 2020 (39%) presidential election years. Equal 27% shares of U.S. adults identify as Republicans and Democrats, with the Democratic figure marking a new low for that party in Gallup’s trend. Democratic identification has now declined by one point in each of the past three years. These declines, and the new low registered in 2023, are likely tied to President Joe Biden’s unpopularity. Biden’s job approval ratings have largely been around 40% since late 2021, and were consistently below that mark in October, November and December. https://news.gallup.com/poll/548459/independent-party-tied-high-democratic-new-low.aspx? .
  7. Moms of Liberty have NOTHING to do with violence. But you knew that.
  8. Bad news for Biden on inflation: Voters have long memories. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen offered a rare moment of Biden administration transparency on the economy this week. “Well, I think most Americans know that prices are not likely to fall,” Yellin told ABC News on Sunday. “It’s not the Fed’s objective to try to push the level of prices back to where they were.” And with that, the cat was out of the proverbial bag. This key admission came just as Team Biden is once again trying to revise its economic message with President Joe Biden’s job approval numbers nearly in historically bad territory. If ever there was a time for a political reset, this is it. But the messaging wizards seem to have failed the president when it comes to selling his economic record to what is an unhappy and unconvinced electorate. The problem is, when it comes to their own personal economies, voters know better. https://rollcall.com/2024/01/31/bad-news-for-biden-on-inflation-voters-have-long-memories/
  9. FANI WILLIS’S DEFENSE GETS BLOWN UP IN NEW FILING. https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/02/03/trump-co-defendant-destroys-fani-willis-defense-of-corruption-allegations-n4926093 .
  10. RETALIATION, BIDEN STYLE FTA: We can infer that the Biden administration believes in telegraphing its punches. Marc Thiessen poses a rhetorical question: “How stupid do you have to be to announce you will strike two days in advance and where[?]” It’s smart if you want to minimize the damage done (or to be done). The administration also believes in repetition. The statement attributed to Biden includes this variation of what has become an administration mantra: “The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.” It reminds me of LBJ’s classic one-liner on Vietnam at the time of the Gulf of Tonkin incident: “We still seek no wider war.” Although the intent and the circumstances vary greatly, both statements carry the air of fiasco. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/02/retaliation-biden-style.php
  11. Dishonest, Duplicit and Deceptive: Senate Border ‘Deal’ By Shea Bradley-Farrell Biden’s defiant refusal to secure U.S. borders has again led to violence against Americans – this time the vicious beating of two NYC police officers by a mob of illegal immigrants, who were later released without bail. It is outrageous that our leaders continue to allow non-citizens to hurt Americans and to steal from our citizens – and anyone who supports the McConnell-Schumer-Lankford so-called border “deal” is supporting exactly this kind of insanity. Although senators are being pressured to agree to this deal without the opportunity to read, review, or amend its text, a few “bullet points” have been leaked. From these it is clear the deal is not designed to close the border, but to deceptively strengthen Biden’s open border “policies.” The deal would allow 4,000 to 5,000 illegals to cross into the U.S. per day before expulsion measures begin. That’s 150,000 per month and 1.8 million per year! It is shocking that senators would actually propose legislating any number of illegal crossings into the United States. In effect, this deal would codify Biden’s reckless open border policies and compromise a future president’s ability to enforce border security. Further testament to the duplicity of the deal is that Republican and Democratic leaders have both made it clear they do not want a committee or an open amendment process to evaluate or amend the language of the legislation. Neither will they commit to a designated time period to allow senators to actually review the text before they are required to vote. These are the very reasons why Americans distrust (loathe?) Washington – politicians often act secretively without the interests of the American people at heart. And, these are also the very reasons that House Republicans and conservatives oppose the deal. False narratives claiming that Republicans won’t support the deal because it gives Biden credit, or that Republicans would rather get political revenge than fix the border, are just that – false and strategically spread by the left’s media elite in order to boost Biden’s miserable approval ratings. Blaming former President Donald Trump for the Republicans’ distaste of the Senate deal, and for Biden’s negligence to secure the border, is nothing but a transparent election stunt. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/02/03/dishonest_duplicit_and_deceptive_senate_border_deal_150432.html
  12. Biden's 2023 Accomplishments .
  13. I really don't need to reply. The extremism shown in Roundy's reply says it all.
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