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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. One of the hallmarks of Joe Biden's speeches is the constant misleading or outright false remarks about the economy. I don't think the American people are buying it, given his approval on the economy is usually his lowest number in the polls. Either that or the number of people who think he's mentally capable. Those tend to be low in virtually every poll.
  2. No wonder the usual suspects are pushing the laughable Trump dementia B.S tonight, you gotta distract from Joe’s latest Biden tells crowd he recently met with Mitterrand, former French president who died in 1996 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-tells-crowd-he-recently-met-mitterand-former-french-president-who-died-1996
  3. Meanwhile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back in the U.S border thread. Five Reasons the Border Bill Is Dead on Arrival Katie Pavlich There are a number of reasons why the bill is set to crash and burn in the House. Here are a few. 1. President Biden doesn't need legislation to fix the border catastrophe he started 2. The bill provides more funding for Ukraine's borders than the U.S. southern border with Mexico 3. The bill forces taxpayers to pay for attorneys to represent illegal immigrants breaking the law 4. The bill provides paltry funding for additional border wall construction 5. The legislation allows for thousands of illegal crossings to continue https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2024/02/05/five-reasons-the-border-bill-is-dead-on-arrival-n2634776#google_vignette
  4. Democrats Won't Replace Biden. Here's Why. CHARLES C.W. COOKE It’s not an accident that Joe Biden was voted in as the Democrats’ presidential nominee in the first place, and, even now, it’s not at all obvious to me that anyone else would represent an improvement over him. That isn’t because Biden is strong — he’s not, he’s a disaster — but because the Democratic coalition doesn’t actually make a great deal of sense, and to remove Biden from its head would be to start a fight over the direction of the party that the party would be foolish to start deliberately in an election year. I don’t think they’ll do it. … I’d invite you to look back to the last competitive set of Democratic primaries, in which, at a relatively late stage, Biden was engineered into the nomination by a team of palpably panicking party-power-brokers, who intuited correctly that he was the only candidate who could unite its various factions and have a shot in the general election. At that time, the alternatives to Biden were Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg. Even now, does anyone really think that the Democrats made the wrong choice? I don’t. And, because I don’t, I am highly skeptical that the party will want to take the same risk four years later. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/the-democrats-probably-dont-want-a-divisive-nomination-fight-right-now/
  5. How Do I Know That the Border Bill Is Not Serious? DAVID STROM Senate Republicans who were involved in negotiating the Ukraine/Israel funding bill that happens to include totally ridiculous provisions that pretend to address border security are pretending to be shocked that House Republicans are not going to take up the bill. There is lots of commentary out there regarding the bill, and not having read it I won't add to it other than to say that what I have seen in the analyses shows that it is craptastic. { snip } That the Senate negotiators sprang this on everybody as a surprise makes it obvious that none of them wanted a genuine solution or even cared a bit about anything other than political posturing. It's not like immigration isn't at the top of the list of political concerns for many Americans, and it's not like there is a consensus about what should be done about it. Anybody who claims that a serious bill can be negotiated in secret with a few people in a back room, especially in the midst of an impeachment of the Secretary of Homeland Security over his dereliction of duty, is a liar. The Democrats are going to try and wrap the failure of this bill to pass around the neck of Republicans, claiming they are indifferent to the border. That is the only reason they are discussing the issue today. Look at the about face on the border they have taken: Whatever the case, one thing they were not doing was trying to address the crisis at the border. If they were they would have at least consulted with House leaders, whom they would need to pass a law. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/02/05/how-do-i-know-that-the-border-bill-is-not-serious-n3782354 ,
  6. QUESTION ASKED: Is it wrong for Tucker Carlson to interview Vladimir Putin? In September, 1934, William Randolph Hearst, the most famous journalist and publisher in the world, visited Berlin and interviewed Adolf Hitler. At the time, Hearst admired Hitler, and was rather taken aback when the Fuhrer asked why he was so “misunderstood” in the English-language press. Hearst replied that Americans love democracy and distrusted dictatorships, to which Hitler answered that he had been democratically elected by a vast majority of Germans. Hearst then said that Americans were concerned about the treatment of a certain unnamed minority. Hitler duly pointed out that Americans had mistreated Native Indian tribes and assured Hearst that Nazi discrimination was being curtailed. Hearst told Hitler that his public would be pleased. He was then surprised to be photographed with various Nazi leaders as part of what was obviously a press stunt for the Third Reich. “Visiting Hitler is like calling on the President of the United States,” he grumbled. “One doesn’t talk about it for publication.” Journalism has changed a lot since in the 1930s, but that Hearst story is worth bearing in mind as self-righteous pundits queue up to denounce the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson for visiting Moscow, apparently to interview Vladimir Putin. Bill Kristol, the director of Defending Democracy Together, said, kidding on the square: “Perhaps we need a total and complete shutdown of Tucker Carlson re-entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Bill Browder, the CEO of Hermitage Capital who writes books about the awfulness of the Kremlin, said that Carlson is “either remarkably stupid or consciously evil.” “He’s not stupid,” replied John Harwood the former Wall Street Journal and CNN man. https://thespectator.com/topic/wrong-tucker-carlson-interview-vladimir-putin/
  7. AND THERE IT IS. “The border never closes” Democrats working so hard to frame this as meaningful border security, and Chris is out here just giving away the game ,
  8. "Even worse than we expected" sums up the Biden presidency perfectly. .
  9. It's ALL they have.
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