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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Joe Biden Tries to Give a Massive Gift to Hamas, Israel Tells Him to Pound Sand FTA: Any "solution" to the war in Gaza that doesn't include the complete removal of Hamas as a governing force is not a solution. It's simply a massive gift to terrorists who will inevitably strike again, leading to yet another war and yet more death and destruction. The United States, Europe, and the dictators at the UN can either figure that out or get out of the way. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/02/25/joe-biden-gives-israel-a-new-edict-and-a-massive-gift-to-hamas-n2170542 .
  2. The Lasting Damage of Bidenomics Real Clear Politics, by K. S. Bruce Recently, Democratic Party-cheerleading economist Paul Krugman declared, “Inflation is over. We won.” This is like a robber shooting you and then declaring, “The coma I put you in is over! We won!” The truth is that the wild inflation, high interest rates, bank failures, and other economic harms of the last three years were all entirely avoidable and all entirely caused by President Biden and the Democrats’ arrogant and unwise policies. This is not “Monday morning quarterbacking.” Some of us were saying this well before the fact. My May 7, 2021 column (“Joe Biden, Economy Killer”) accurately forecast the inflation, rising interest rates, and rising government debt service https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/02/24/the_lasting_damage_of_bidenonmics_150552.html .
  3. AS much as I dislike posting in such an op bigoted thread, this goes here with their false narrative. America can mass deport illegal aliens, and we know this because it’s done so before American Thinker, by Andrea Widburg The headlines are full of stories about illegal aliens: They’re raping children, murdering young women, crashing their cars into children, assaulting and murdering police officers…and the list goes on. However, we’re told that we’re stuck with them. Well, we’re not. In the 1950s, when there was political will—and a plea from Mexico to send its citizens home—we did mass deport illegal aliens. Like Pakistan deporting its illegal Afghan aliens, El Salvador jailing its gangs, or Argentina balancing its budget in nine weeks, it just requires political will. I made a lot of assertions about illegal aliens in my opening paragraph. Let me back them up with just a few examples. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/02/america_can_mass_deport_illegal_aliens_and_we_know_this_because_its_done_so_before.html
  4. Your Sunday Clarice. Russian Follies: The Sequel By Clarice Feldman Just days ago, on February 14 to be precise, Vladimir Putin said he prefers Biden in the 2024 presidential race. Nevertheless, the media, often with the intelligence community’s aid, seems to be trying again in the indictment of Vladimir Smirnov to hint that Donald Trump is somehow being aided by Russia. Thin gruel, indeed. A quick review of the FBI’s consistent election meddling and gaslighting of voters is the necessary background for this week’s account. In case, like me, you’re finding it hard to keep track of all the gaslighting on Russia in recent years, Adam Mill kindly documents 14 recent Russian hoaxes: (Condensed for this post, open link to read it all) 1. The Russian Co-Signers Hoax: I 2. The Trump Tower Russians Hoax 3. The Hunter Biden Russian Disinformation Hoax: 4. The Russian Bounty for U.S. Soldiers Hoax: 5. The “Russia Destroyed the Nord Stream Pipeline” Hoax: 6. The “Carter Page Is a Russian Spy” Hoax: 7. The “Trump Is a Russian Asset” Hoax: 8. The Russia/Alfa Bank Hoax: 9. The Russian Troll Farm Hoax: 10. The “Devin Nunes Is a Putin Puppet” Hoax: 11. The “James Comer Is a Putin Puppet” Hoax: 12. The Russian “Pee Tape” Hoax: 13. The Michael Cohen Paid Russian Hackers Hoax: 14. The Russian/DNC Hack Hoax: He may well be right that these hoaxes were designed in the public’s mind to deny Trump’s entitlement to free speech because, after all, he was a "Russian asset." This week, however, there’s a more immediate motive: An effort to distract and minimize the serious charges of corruption against President Biden and his son Hunter and brother James. The usual Democrat chorus line is playing roles in the by now tattered Russian script: Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff in the lead roles and congressmen Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman as comic relief. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/02/russian_follies_the_sequel_.html .
  5. Their fake narrative will only fool those already fooled. It’s always a good reminder to know your enemy's thoughts and end game. The Left's agenda items are often televised on MSNBC and CNN. MSNBC is by far the worst of the two, and ex-NBC News reporter Heidi Przybyla, now with Politico, demonstrated that Thursday night with her screed against Christianity.
  6. Republican Larry Hogan soars to double-digit lead over Democrats in Maryland Senate race JustTheNews, by Sarah Roderick-Fitch Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is holding a commanding lead over the top Democratic candidate for Senate, according to a new poll. In a potential race between the Republican and Congressman David Trone, Hogan leads 49%-33%. The Ragnar Research Partners poll surveyed 600 likely voters, pitting Hogan against top Democrats running for the soon-to-be vacant Senate seat held by Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin. He plans to retire. The former governor fared even better when Hogan was matched against Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks 52%-29%. https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/poll-hogan-leads-democratic-challengers-double-digits .
  7. Trump exchanges a close hug with Argentine President Javier Milei https://apnews.com/article/trump-milei-cpac-argentina-biden-f8e97d401a13318f8cc55faf29021030 Trump Projects Unity, Graciousness After Spanking Haley in Her Home State by Bradley Jaye Donald Trump touted the unprecedented unity of the Republican Party Saturday night in a gracious speech after that state’s primary was called. The Associated Press officially projected Trump as the victor at 7:00 p.m. EST – the minute polls closed. “There’s never been a spirit like this, and I just want to say, I have never seen the Republican Party so unified as it is right now,” Trump said in a fifteen minute speech after his projected victory. He used most of his speech to thank his supporters, singling out many officials on the stage, and touting the latest in his historic run in this year’s primary. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/02/24/trump-projects-unity-graciousness-after-spanking-haley-in-her-home-state/
  8. FYI: 12 miles away from my house.
  9. And WHERE is she going to win ???? She just lost badly to Trump in South Carolina. You know, her home state. .
  10. Haley is completely supported by inside the beltway, entrenched bureaucrats. Ask yourself why. .
  11. ‘Blood of Laken Riley is on the hands of Joe Biden:’ Georgia politicians react to murder at UGA. By Sam Sachs, WSBTV.com https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/blood-laken-riley-is-hands-joe-biden-georgia-politicians-react-murder-uga/LUMAIH5AMFBOBOGYIVFMBQGI6E/ .
  12. Were They Living or Dead? Biden Says Nine Heads of State Said He Has to Win in November Amy Curtis https://twitchy.com/amy-curtis/2024/02/22/biden-says-9-heads-of-state-said-he-has-to-win-in-november-n2393183 .
  13. Ted Cruz Nails It: Liberal Media Lapdogs 'Turning on' Biden Because They Know He's Going to Lose By Mike Miller | https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2024/02/22/ted-cruz-nails-it-liberal-media-lapdogs-turning-on-biden-because-they-know-hes-going-to-lose-n21
  14. House Republicans have been sounding the alarm about the catastrophic effects of President Biden's open border policies since he began his term. Last year, I sent a letter to the President to demand he take immediate executive action. He has thus far ignored my demands, and the pleas from big city mayors, border state governors, and the American people. Now, in an election year, after the president has surrendered the border to cartels and smugglers, after tens of thousands of Americans have tragically lost their lives due to fentanyl poisoning, after countless unaccompanied minors and young people have been subjected to human trafficking, and after millions of illegal aliens have been scattered by the Biden administration throughout our country - the President suddenly seems interested in trying to make a change using the legal authority that he claimed until recently didn't exist. Americans have lost faith in this President and won't be fooled by election year gimmicks that don't actually secure the border. Nor will they forget that the President created this catastrophe and, until now, has refused to use his executive power to fix it. These reports also underscore just how brazenly and intentionally President Biden misled the public when he claimed he had done everything in his power to secure the border. Specifically, the President's alleged desire to invoke Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which the White House dismissed using for months, is particularly telling. If these reports are true and the President intends to take action, he can show he's serious by changing more than asylum policy. He should begin by reinstituting the "Remain in Mexico" policy and ending his administration's abuse of the parole system, along with other critical reforms.
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