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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. The Illegal Immigrant Crisis Isn't Just a Big City Problem DAVID STROM FTA: Opponents of illegal immigration are often slandered as xenophobes, racists who don white hoods at night to hunt frightened brown and black people out of irrational hate. What other motivation could we possibly have? But that isn't true. It may be the case that in some far-distant future, these illegal immigrants will bring immeasurable economic and social benefits due to their incredible creativity and work ethic (likely not anytime soon). Still, right now, they are overwhelming a system that can't meet all their needs and costing the people who grew up and live here far more than they bring in. Right here, right now, illegal immigrants are an enormous drain on communities that are having trouble meeting the needs of the taxpayers whom the government is supposed to represent. When migrants show up, doing anything but take care of the influx becomes difficult. Ask Mayor Adams about that. The strain is immense, and it's difficult to see how any benefits to the community from the influx of immigrants can outweigh the enormous costs, including in things like crime and healthcare, imposed on the communities forced to absorb people who bring little besides trouble. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/02/29/the-illegal-immigrant-crisis-isnt-just-a-big-city-problem-n3783697
  2. Mitch McConnell Needs to Go Away Harder “My suspicion is that McConnell wants to get out while he still has the political capital to orchestrate who his successor will be. There are a lot of favors that can be called in after two decades in leadership. It was this thought that kept my enthusiasm about McConnell’s news to a minimum. Getting an only slightly younger version of McConnell installed in leadership isn’t really going to be a boon for the GOP.” https://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2024/02/29/the-morning-briefing-n4926867
  3. ALMOST VACANT AEI’s Danielle Pletka is not a fan of President Trump, so I take her pulling on the fire alarm about President Biden at face value: What we hear from members of congress is … terrible. Democrats too. Those who talk the president tell of a man who can’t go beyond the words on the page in front of him. He can’t converse on matters of substance. He can deliver talking points, but can’t negotiate with any seriousness. That’s one of the reasons — though far from the only one — why Congress can’t move forward on an emergency supplemental. Republicans are in complete turmoil, but talks with the White House are not helping. Then there are the foreign leaders. Among themselves — and an open secret in DC’s embassies — they talk about a president who is confused, unsure of the subject matter under discussion, distant, disconnected, and all too often incomprehensible. This is the man with the nuclear football. The man who commands our armed forces. It doesn’t matter whether you like the Democrats or hate them. The office is critically important, and it is almost vacant. https://whatthehellisgoingon.substack.com/p/wth-what-we-hear-about-bidens-decline .
  4. Liberal Pundits Debate Biden Replacement Schemes. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2895228/liberal-pundits-debate-biden-replacement-scenarios/ .
  5. BECAUSE HIS AMBITION AND VANITY HAVE ALWAYS COME BEFORE THE HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OR OUR NATIONAL SECURITY CONCERNS. NEXT QUESTION? Why Biden Is Letting Dearborn Extremists Influence American Foreign Policy. The day of the Democratic Party’s Michigan primary, White House National Security Advisor John Kirby bragged that the Biden administration was changing its Israel-Gaza war policy to reflect the concerns of pro-Hamas activists in Michigan. The White House, Kirby explained, is “willing to adjust” how they were “approaching the conflict and the way we’re talking about the conflict” to “reflect” the “concerns” of Dearborn. Imagine the president sending high-ranking White House officials to Borough Park in Brooklyn to hear out the perspective of Putin-boosters regarding the Ukraine war, then adjusting American policy and rhetoric to better embrace those outlooks. Granted, you’d have to stretch the imagination to its limits to picture Russian immigrants defending terror groups. https://thefederalist.com/2024/02/28/biden-is-letting-dearborn-extremists-influence-american-foreign-policy/
  6. Building evacuated as angry mob of Berkeley students violently shuts down Jewish event: ‘Dirty Jew.’ Pro-Palestine protesters at the University of California, Berkeley, violently shut down an event that featured a former Israel Defence Forces member on Monday night. The event on Monday night featuring Ran Bar Yoshafat, a former member of the IDF and lawyer, was titled “Israel at War: Combat the Lies,” and would address the country’s “international legal challenges,” according to the Daily Californian. It was sponsored by Bears for Israel, Tikvah, Club Z, and the Israeli Consulate to the Pacific Northwest. Bears for Palestine, a Pro-Palestine group at the University of California, Berkeley, announced on social media before the event that it would be “SHUTTING IT DOWN.” https://www.campusreform.org/article/building-evacuated-angry-mob-berkeley-students-violently-shuts-jewish-event-dirty-jew/24925
  7. R.I.P. for Welfare Reform in New York. The welfare rolls shrank dramatically during the Giuliani and Bloomberg administrations, but they’re rising again at the fastest rate in decades, and it’s not just because of illegal immigrants. The city’s emphasis on “equity” and “benefit access” over jobs and self-sufficiency will produce chronically dependent and dissatisfied residents. https://www.city-journal.org/article/r-i-p-for-welfare-reform-in-new-york .
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